jdb78 / pytorch-forecasting

Time series forecasting with PyTorch
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Temporal Fusion Transformer gives constant prediction #1332

Open manitadayon opened 1 year ago

manitadayon commented 1 year ago

Expected behavior

My expectation is to get a prediction that is not completely constant and can capture some volatility in the curve.

Actual behavior

No matter how much I tune hyperparameters, I get pure constant/linear prediction.

Code to reproduce the problem

max_encoder_length = 100
max_prediction_length = 100

context_length = max_encoder_length
prediction_length = max_prediction_length

training = TimeSeriesDataSet(
    static_categoricals = ["marketplace"],
    target_normalizer = GroupNormalizer(groups = ['marketplace'], transformation = 'softplus')

batch_size = 128
train_dataloader = training.to_dataloader(train=True, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=0)

net  = TemporalFusionTransformer.from_dataset(
training, learning_rate=0.1, hidden_size=27, attention_head_size=2, 
dropout=0.18, hidden_continuous_size=16, log_interval=1, log_val_interval = 1,output_size=7,
            loss=QuantileLoss(), lstm_layers = 3


The result after prediction is:

for idx in range(5):
    best_model.plot_prediction(raw_predictions.x,raw_predictions.output, idx=idx)


Can someone help me understand what is wrong with my code? I have also tried it on different datasets and still had the same issue.

wkkg commented 1 year ago

I have encountered the same problem and have no idea how to capture some volatility in the prediction. I have searched the web for possible solutions but have not found any.

manitadayon commented 1 year ago

Me too, hoping the original creator or anyone has any input on this. I am not sure if there is a problem with TFT algorithm or the implementation. Have you used darts or other packages for this.

meetri commented 1 year ago

Same issue here. I did notice after including multiple categories in my data I got more variation in the prediction

manitadayon commented 1 year ago

Can you please elaborate on what you mean by including more categories? Are you talking about static categories? You mean more predictors? I can try it and update it here.

wkkg commented 1 year ago

I have tried various combinations of hyperparameters and implementation from https://towardsdatascience.com/temporal-fusion-transformer-time-series-forecasting-with-deep-learning-complete-tutorial-d32c1e51cd91 the forecasts still remain flat. If I find the solution, I will let you know. Could you do the same? What about posting this problem on stackoverflow?

From: Chess_champion @. Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2023 11:44 PM To: jdb78/pytorch-forecasting @.> Cc: wkkg @.>; Comment @.> Subject: Re: [jdb78/pytorch-forecasting] Temporal Fusion Transformer gives constant prediction (Issue #1332)

Me too, hoping the original creator or anyone has any input on this. I am not sure if there is a problem with TFT algorithm or the implementation.

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manitadayon commented 1 year ago

I have done the same and tried everything, but the forecast is still flat. If I find out the solution, I will let you know (post it here or StackOverflow)

meetri commented 1 year ago

Can you please elaborate on what you mean by including more categories? Are you talking about static categories? You mean more predictors? I can try it and update it here.

Yes. Static categories. Curious what you end up finding. Looking forward to your update

manitadayon commented 1 year ago

I tried adding other predictors or adding group variables as static variables, playing with some hyper-parameters but still nothing, constant prediction.

meteoDaniel commented 1 year ago

We have the same problem. We started with pytorch-forecasting on a previous version, and kept going on with a custom implementation based on playtika . Training runs fine, and in-sample evaluation looks good. We have a very similar setup with pytorch and lightning > 2.0 . Most probably it is an issue with pytorch and/or lightning in v2.

ManieTadayon commented 1 year ago

@meteoDaniel, thanks this is very interesting, do you recommend downgrading version of pytorch lightening (seems to be suboptimal solution) have you tried darts?

meteoDaniel commented 1 year ago

@ManieTadayon we are actually trying this. For debugging it is a good idea to find the problem. We will keep you updated as soon as we have some helpful insights.

JakeF-Bitweave commented 1 year ago

Sorry I'm not close to the project anymore! Good luck

grosestq commented 1 year ago

My expectation is to get a prediction that is not completely constant and can capture some volatility in the curve.


is it really completely constant, as you said? Looking at your picture, I would say that the prediction is not constant.

Best regards

ManieTadayon commented 1 year ago

It learns absolutely no volatility compared to similar models regardless of features added or hyperparameter tuning. the change in forecast is minimal (hence almost constant).

grosestq commented 1 year ago

It learns absolutely no volatility compared to similar models regardless of features added or hyperparameter tuning. the change in forecast is minimal (hence almost constant).

How does the prediction accuracy compare to similar models?

manitadayon commented 1 year ago

Since it does not capture any volatility, then the accuracy or MAPE would not be good, but regardless of error, we need to capture the volatility in data.

valentinfrlch commented 11 months ago

I am having the same problem here: prediction_B2F8KN-R_1 It seems to predict the average alright but no volatility at all. I am experimenting with encoder lenght but no dice so far.

Very strange since the valuation loss does actually go down...: WhatsApp Image 2023-07-15 at 12 21 47

Will let everyone know if I find a solution...

manitadayon commented 11 months ago

Hi everyone, I think I fixed this issue, the problem is coming from decoder side and relative_idx is not enough to learn any volatility. Mine now has a acceptable prediction for at least one particular example

valentinfrlch commented 11 months ago

May I ask what other features you fed? Something like day of week, month etc. or more actual data?

manitadayon commented 11 months ago

Sure, yes the day of week, month, year, etc help a lot in capturing the volatility.

HHarald99 commented 10 months ago

Has there been any more insight in the meantime? Because I don't think adding features is the solution.

It is true that those add volatility, but this would still entirely come from those features like in a regression, not at all from the encoded input sequence. For example, when you have a weekly pattern and shift the input data by three days, all predictions would be off by those three days because the model did not pick up anything from encoder side and just repeated the statically learned weekday pattern. At least that's my experience even from the simplest toy datasets.

Maybe I have wrong expectations but I would have thought this kind of model can dynamically pick up patterns from the encoded sequence, like an ETS or Arima Model does. So I still wonder if this is a problem just in this implementation.

valentinfrlch commented 10 months ago

For me it was the normalizer. Softplus should be pretty good for most scenarios, I couldn't use it however since my numbers where too small at times. Check out GroupNormalizer in the docs. I had luck with relu but your mileage may vary.

abudis commented 9 months ago

@valentinfrlch for clarity, are you saying that disabling GroupNormalizer is what did the trick for you?

manitadayon commented 9 months ago

@valentinfrlch, no by default TFT, NHITS, DeepAR, etc are normalizing the data sequence by sequence, you can configure it such that it is done by time series by time series.

manitadayon commented 9 months ago

@meteoDaniel Any update on your findings? I do not think it is the package.

rd1886 commented 8 months ago


Has anyone found the root cause of this and how to fix it? I got the same issue with the flat prediction. I have been trying to fix it for a while now.

manitadayon commented 8 months ago

To be honest I got some good prediction out of TFT. Try adding static variables, temporal variables, etc. However it still looks very suboptimal. For example, if you use NHiTS, you will get a good prediction without specifying much external covariates.

rd1886 commented 8 months ago

Thank you, @manitadayon

erwinvink commented 7 months ago

Hi guys, I switched to Darts since its clear that pytorch-forecasting and TFT is not a good combination. I spend 500 hours of hyperparameter tuning, tried the most strange combinations but whatever I tried, it stays flat. I found this magnificant article but you have to build it yourself here: https://www.playtika-blog.com/playtika-ai/multi-horizon-forecasting-using-temporal-fusion-transformers-a-comprehensive-overview-part-2/ So I switched to Darts and it was working instantly with the most simple training.: https://unit8co.github.io/darts/examples/13-TFT-examples.html

manitadayon commented 7 months ago

@erwinvink thank you. However I am confused, did you end up using darts or tft-PyTorch: since the article shows tft-pytorch packages and then you mentioned using darts again. did you use steps outlined there only for data preprocessing and then darts for training? May I know why not the package itself for the whole thing.

erwinvink commented 7 months ago

@manitadayon : I ended up using darts. Apologies for the confusion. I see that my message is indeed not clear ;). I mentioned the article so you can choose yourself if you want to use tft-pytorch or darts. But I use darts for myself. The data preprocessing part (getting data, transforming, reverse transforming) was working already so I didn't need to change that part. I use darts to train the model itself and make predictions. Is that an answer to your question?

Rujie-Zhu commented 6 months ago

I also faced the same problem. My input features have different units and magnitudes. I tried to keep the features with the same units of the target and remove the others. The prediction can capture the volatility. So I guess it is something wrong with the preprocess of the data.

t4ai commented 4 months ago

Also having this issue - I have tried tuning, changing the GroupNormalizer adding parameters, per all the great advice above and still no luck. Would love to hear if anyone has found a solution. It sounds like Darts works better but I am hesitant to make the jump.

sanderlod commented 3 months ago

We are also experiencing this issue, and Dart did not solve the problem for us. I'd be interested to know if anyone has identified the root cause or discovered any effective solutions.

t4ai commented 3 months ago

@sanderlod I tried every suggestion in this thread and I could not get it to work with pytorch-forecasting. I did finally switch over to Darts and it solved the issue for me.

erwinvink commented 3 months ago

@sanderlod : If Darts gives you the same problem, I would say it's because of your scalers. What data do you try to predict and which scalers do you use when preprocessing the data?

manitadayon commented 3 months ago

For folks that use darts successfully, how do you feed multiple time series with overlapping time to darts. In Pytorch forecasting this is super easy.

erwinvink commented 3 months ago

@manitadayon : This is a part of the setup of my model:

tft_model = TFTModel(
                    'cyclic': {'past': ['hour', 'dayofweek', 'week', 'month'], 'future': ['hour', 'dayofweek', 'week', 'month']},
                    'datetime_attribute': {'past': ['minute', 'hour', 'day'], 'future': ['minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year']},
                    'position': {'past': ['relative'], 'future': ['relative']},
                    'transformer': Scaler(),
                    'tz': 'CET'

As you can see, I have added the timeseries here in an encoder (according to the somewhat limited documentation in darts itself: https://unit8co.github.io/darts/generated_api/darts.dataprocessing.encoders.encoders.html?highlight=cyclic+encoder#sequentialencoder

After this, it was much easier for me to added series with overlapping timedata.

model = tft_model.fit(

Is this helping you?

manitadayon commented 3 months ago

@erwinvink Thanks a lot, this is super useful. What I really need to know is: how does self.data['train_target'] look like? Is it a panda dataframe for multiple time series/products/ID concatenate across rows where each time series might have overlapping time frames. For example lets say we have 30 rows for product A from 2020-03-01 to 2020-04-01 and product B is from 2020-02-01 to 2021-02-01.

erwinvink commented 3 months ago

@ManieTadayon : hereby the function where I build my data (which is a list with multiple timeseries in it):

    def create_timeseries(self, df):
        # Create the target series
        target = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(times=df.index, values=df['close'])
        train_target, val_target = target.split_before(0.8)

        # Create the unknown covariates
        past_covariates = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(times=df.index,
        train_past_covariates, val_past_covariates = past_covariates.split_before(0.8)

        data = {}
        data['target'] = target
        data['train_target'] = train_target
        data['val_target'] = val_target
        data['past_covariates'] = past_covariates
        data['train_past_covariates'] = train_past_covariates
        data['val_past_covariates'] = val_past_covariates

        return data

the self.config.MODEL_CONFIG['features'] is just a list with the column names I want to include here.