jdb78 / pytorch-forecasting

Time series forecasting with PyTorch
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Demand forecasting TFT example - from_dataset() choice of data #656

Open seanyboi opened 3 years ago

seanyboi commented 3 years ago

I was hoping someone could clear up the use of from_dataset() in the demand forecasting example using TFT.

training = TimeSeriesDataSet(
    data[lambda x: x.date < training_cutoff],
    time_idx= ...,
    target= ...,
    # weight="weight",
    group_ids=[ ... ],
    static_categoricals=[ ... ],
    static_reals=[ ... ],
    time_varying_known_categoricals=[ ... ],
    time_varying_known_reals=[ ... ],
    time_varying_unknown_categoricals=[ ... ],
    time_varying_unknown_reals=[ ... ],

validation = TimeSeriesDataSet.from_dataset(training, data, min_prediction_idx=training.index.time.max() + 1, stop_randomization=True)

When creating the validation set using from_dataset() isn't it using the whole dataset that is used to create the training dataset and therefore leaking data into the validation set? Shouldn't the data used by the data after the training_cutoff be like sodata[lambda x: x.date > training_cutoff]?

processadd commented 2 years ago

I have the same question and quite confusing at the first beginning. I saw people using filtered data for data para in validation, or adding min_prediction_idx=training.index.time.max() + 1 when getting validation. After reading source code my understanding is:

  1. When using predict=True, TimeSeriesDataSet.from_dataset will filter the last max_sequence_length for each group series corresponding to the data passed to validation. The code is in _construct_index
    if predict_mode:  # keep longest element per series (i.e. the first element that spans to the end of the series)
    # filter all elements that are longer than the allowed maximum sequence length
    df_index = df_index[
      lambda x: (x["time_last"] - x["time"] + 1 <= max_sequence_length)
      & (x["sequence_length"] >= min_sequence_length)
    # choose longest sequence
    df_index = df_i
  2. When fit, the train and validation are passed like

    the val_dataloaders will be used to calculate validation loss before training data.

So what validation we should use? I think depend on use case. If you want to train based on training data, and want to validate on a fixed part of data, you should specify a fixed range with predict=False, e.g. validation = TimeSeriesDataSet.from_dataset(training, data[fixed_filtered_range_for_validation], predict=False, stop_randomization=True). If you want to validate with a composition of last max_sequence_length of each group series, you can do as the example validation = TimeSeriesDataSet.from_dataset(training, data, predict=True, stop_randomization=True). You can also either specify min_prediction_idx para or just pass a filtered data to from_dataset to limit the validation.

As a test, if the data shape is (198, 13),

validation = TimeSeriesDataSet.from_dataset(training, data, predict=False, stop_randomization=True)
#you might see different num other than 45 depend on your data, as sequence is filtered by min_sequence_length
len(validation) = 45

validation = TimeSeriesDataSet.from_dataset(training, data, predict=True, stop_randomization=True)
len(validation) = 1