jdber1 / opendrop

OpenDrop pendant drop tensiometry software
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature requests from testing newest version (3.2.x) #31

Open ricotabor opened 3 years ago

ricotabor commented 3 years ago

Hi Eugene, Incredible work on the newest version. It's so incredibly quick! Here are some minor feature requests from our lab users who have tested this version: 1) Remembering parameters from previous run (e.g. densities, needle diameter) 2) Not requiring input of gravity (let us assume it is constant at 9.81 m/s/s!) 3) There is currently no way to close the software in Linux (i.e. you have to close the terminal window itself, even Ctrl+c in the terminal window only ends the video thread/process, not the software!) 4) Option to save only the timeline.csv file, with no images, etc. 5) Option to save data (e.g. as timeline.csv) if you end the run early (i.e. halt the measurement).

I will add to this thread if we think of more, and again, thank you!

eugenhu commented 3 years ago

Hi Rico,

I've just finished collecting together changes I've been working on into a new v3.3.0. I've been focusing on refactoring the contact angle side of the app since it hasn't been updated in a while.

I've done (2.) fixing gravity to 9.81 and fixed a bug that might have been causing (3.) although I haven't experienced (3.) before.

I haven't implemented a way to save settings yet so haven't gotten around to (1.).

As a workaround for (4.), I've just made plots not save by default and "annotated" images are no longer saved. There is no option to not save images captured by a camera yet though.

(5.) I think should already work, if you stop an analysis while there are queued images, the queued captures will be cancelled and the existing analysed data can be saved. However, there's no way to cancel queued images, but finish analysing captured images at the moment.