jdber1 / opendrop

OpenDrop pendant drop tensiometry software
GNU General Public License v3.0
30 stars 18 forks source link

Run Opendrop without GUI, but from command line/python #48

Open MetsvR opened 4 months ago

MetsvR commented 4 months ago


We are currently looking into making an automated pendant drop analysis, where each picture should be roughly the same. Therefore, we would like to run Opendrop via the command line or a python file in order to avoid selecting the same region of interest each time. However, we can't make it work so far and wondered if you have any tips/advice?

Kind regards,

Mats & Pim

eugenhu commented 4 months ago


There's no command line interface unfortunately, but I wrote this script that uses the inner workings of the app that you can maybe adapt to your use case: https://gist.github.com/eugenhu/28de26db782ba7e94f4717c65b308d62.

Sorry I haven't worked on this project in a couple of years now so it's unlikely new features will be added either. But let me know if you need help adapting this app to your workflow and I'll try where I can.