jdblischak / centralized-tiledb-nightlies

Centralized nightly builds of TileDB stack
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The centralized nightlies job failed on Saturday (2024-04-13) #2

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 4 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

The centralized nightlies job failed on Saturday (2024-04-13) in run 8677830444

jdblischak commented 4 months ago

A single TileDB-Py test failed Saturday night. The error is reproduced below. However, since the Sunday night build passed, the error was likely spurious (there were no commits to TileDB-Py on Saturday that could have caused the test failure, nor to TileDB).

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
______________________ GroupTest.test_group_named_members ______________________

self = <tiledb.tests.test_group.GroupTest object at 0x7fede6df0bd0>

    def test_group_named_members(self):
        grp_path = self.path("test_group_named_members")

        subgrp_path = self.path("subgroup")

        array_path = self.path("subarray")
        domain = tiledb.Domain(tiledb.Dim(domain=(1, 8), tile=2))
        a1 = tiledb.Attr("val", dtype="f8")
        schema = tiledb.ArraySchema(domain=domain, attrs=(a1,))
        tiledb.Array.create(array_path, schema)

        grp = tiledb.Group(grp_path, "w")
        grp.add(subgrp_path, "subgroup")
        grp.add(array_path, "subarray")

        assert os.path.basename(grp["subarray"].uri) == os.path.basename(array_path)
        assert os.path.basename(grp["subgroup"].uri) == os.path.basename(subgrp_path)

        assert "dne" not in grp

        assert "subarray" in grp
        assert grp["subarray"].type == tiledb.Array

        assert "subgroup" in grp
        assert grp["subgroup"].type == tiledb.Group

        for mbr in grp:
            if "subarray" in mbr.uri:
                assert mbr.name == "subarray"
            elif "subgroup" in mbr.uri:
                assert mbr.name == "subgroup"


        with tiledb.Group(grp_path, "w") as grp:  # test __enter__ and __exit__
            del grp["subarray"]

>       assert len(grp) == 0
E       assert 2 == 0
E        +  where 2 = len(test_group_named_members GROUP\n|-- subgroup GROUP\n|-- subarray ARRAY\n)

tiledb/tests/test_group.py:266: AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tiledb/tests/test_group.py::GroupTest::test_group_named_members - assert 2 == 0
 +  where 2 = len(test_group_named_members GROUP\n|-- subgroup GROUP\n|-- subarray ARRAY\n)
== 1 failed, 914 passed, 4 skipped, 8 xfailed, 1 xpassed in 95.98s (0:01:35) ===