jdechalendar / gridemissions

Tools for power sector emissions tracking
MIT License
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Default emission factors - Why bio power is different #29

Open maoudia-via opened 3 months ago

maoudia-via commented 3 months ago


We are looking at the source for default emission factors and comparing with the IPCC report which shows the following :


Our assumption is that the 50th percentile values are the reference here but some values do seem to be slightly different. Also bio power has a very different emission factor. Is there a reason specific to this type of fuel ?

Thanks !

jdechalendar commented 3 months ago

It's possible I had a different source at the time that seemed more recent than this one - but I'm surprised I didn't leave a comment about it like I did for "UNK".

In any case, these were meant to be modifiable placeholders. If you have better information to use - you should definitely use it!

Leaving this open as a reminder to myself to track this down.