CQ-editor-Windows-mmamba47>call .\CQ-editor\CQ-editor.exe
0.02s - Debugger warning: The os.path.realpath.__code__.co_filename (ntpath.py)
0.00s - is not absolute, which may make the debugger miss breakpoints.
0.00s - Note: Debugging will proceed. Set PYDEVD_DISABLE_FILE_VALIDATION=1 to disable this validation.
CasADi - 2022-10-24 16:33:12 WARNING("D:\bld\casadi_1666127168945\work\casadi\core\plugin_interface.hpp:322: Assertion "handle!=nullptr" failed:
PluginInterface::load_plugin: Cannot load shared library 'casadi_nlpsol_ipopt.dll':
Searched directories: 1. casadipath from GlobalOptions
2. CASADIPATH env var
3. PATH env var (Windows)
4. LD_LIBRARY_PATH env var (Linux)
5. DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH env var (osx)
A library may be 'not found' even if the file exists:
* library is not compatible (different compiler/bitness)
* the dependencies are not found
Tried 'CQ-editor-Windows-mmamba47\CQ-editor\casadi' :
Error code (WIN32): 126
Tried '' :
Error code (WIN32): 126
Tried '.' :
Error code (WIN32): 126") [D:\bld\casadi_1666127168945\work\casadi\core\plugin_interface.hpp:171]
Static build is missing some libraries:
Possible solution: https://github.com/casadi/casadi/issues/2526