jdellape / streamlit-nfl

Project for exploring nfl stats through streamlit application
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Add Stacked PDF Charts to Visualize Fantasy Point Scoring Probabilities #8

Closed jdellape closed 2 years ago

jdellape commented 2 years ago

Allow user to key in specific players to compare to each other. Upon submitting the players to be compared, fetch a chart that shows a PDF for fantasy point scoring likelihood using the points scored in each game for each player from 2019-2021.

Technical tasks to support this which immediately come to mind are the following:

  1. Write a new scraping routine to pull down fantasy points by game. (example url to scrape = https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/T/TaylJo02/fantasy/2021/)
  2. Reformat and store the output of scraping routine as json on my github data sources repo
  3. Create an API so that user can input players to compare (let's limit to 3 for now) within streamlit. This input creates a request to the API (consider using this as an opportunity to learn fast API and deploy for free on Heroku). Response from API is the data that will be used as the source for pdf data viz.
  4. Create an altair density viz to show API response to user.

inspiration viz: image


jdellape commented 2 years ago

In looking into this further, not a real need to build out a supporting API at this point. Built out the density charts in streamlit app. This can be closed.