jdemaeyer / brightsky

JSON API for DWD's open weather data.
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Strip test alerts from default alerts response #166

Open antonanders opened 2 months ago

antonanders commented 2 months ago

Hi @jdemaeyer,
first of all, thank you for providing this gread piece of software!

Today at 09:20 DWD issued a test warning which got fetched into the database.

As far, as I understand the CAP-Format, there is a "status" field, which can be either "Actual" or "Test". This particular warning had the status "Test". The CAP1.2 standard tells us, any status=Test message must be dropped. Can we implement a logic to drop these messages?

This is part of the CAP message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<alert xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.2">

This is the warning you would get from brightsky API.

      "id": 41754,
      "alert_id": 41754,
      "effective": "2024-04-23T08:20:00+00:00",
      "onset": "2024-04-23T09:00:00+00:00",
      "expires": "2024-04-23T11:00:00+00:00",
      "category": "met",
      "response_type": "prepare",
      "urgency": "immediate",
      "severity": "minor",
      "certainty": "likely",
      "event_code": 98,
      "event_en": "moderate test warning",
      "event_de": "TEST-WARNUNG",
      "headline_en": "MODERATE TEST WARNING",
      "headline_de": "Amtliche TEST-WARNUNG",
      "description_en": "Test! Test: unclouded moon.\n",
      "description_de": "Test: Test: Heute scheint der Mond.",
      "instruction_en": "NOTE: Be aware of the following possible dangers: barking dogs in the neighborhood.",
      "instruction_de": "ACHTUNG!  TEST  TEST",

Best regards, Anton

jdemaeyer commented 2 months ago

Hi @antonanders, thanks for the report and the details! I'll try to add this tomorrow :)

jdemaeyer commented 2 months ago

So much for "I'll try to add this tomorrow"... :sweat_smile:

As a first step, the status field is now (as of v2.1.9) being stored and contained in the Bright Sky response, so at least clients can detect/filter test warnings by themselves. I'm keeping this issue open to track removing test alerts from Bright Sky's default response, only returning them when an include_tests=1 parameter is passed.

Thanks again for the effort over in dwdparse @antonanders