jdemetra / jdplus-main

JDemetra+ v3
European Union Public License 1.2
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Missing diagnostics in Summary #315

Open TanguyBarthelemy opened 3 weeks ago

TanguyBarthelemy commented 3 weeks ago

In the main panel of a SA-Item (Main Results), there are sometimes some missing diagnostics in the Residuals seasonality tests.

A classic series contains 4 items in the Residuals seasonality tests : two QS-Test and two F-test:


But for some series, some items are missing:


It happened at Insee (but on confidential data) and I tried to reproduce it with a test series (s4 in temp.csv).

I don't know if:

The same problem also occurs in version 2. So I also raised an issue in jdemetra/jdemetra-app (jdemetra/jdemetra-app#890)

Thank you!

AQLT commented 3 weeks ago

If I remember well, when the irregular is too small those statistics are not printed (to avoid false alarms)

TanguyBarthelemy commented 3 weeks ago

Ok thank you, effectively some of the series I use have a low irregular component. Maybe it is possible to add a message or a warning explaining why this statistic is not available?

annasmyk commented 3 weeks ago

Good Idea I would be in favor of a warning too

palatej commented 1 week ago

For the time being, warnings are used for more important information (non decomposable series, short series...). Some results of diagnostics are removed just because they are meaningless or even misleading (in your case, when the irregular is very small). Putting too many warnings could "kill" the warnings. So, we should use a different channel. Not for the short term (v3.3 ?)