jdemetra / jdplus-main

JDemetra+ v3
European Union Public License 1.2
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Missing revisions policy in documentation #421

Open a-s-russo opened 2 months ago

a-s-russo commented 2 months ago

According to the list of revisions policies for JDemetra+ at: https://github.com/jdemetra/jwsacruncher/wiki#parameters-file, there are 8 of them:


However, at: https://jdemetradocumentation.github.io/JDemetra-documentation/pages/case-studies/revision.html, there are only 7 listed in the table at the bottom of the page:


Observe that the 'all outliers' policy is missing in the table above.

Note further that all eight appear in the left-hand navigation panel of the same site:


a-s-russo commented 2 months ago

I just realised there is a ninth policy as shown at: https://jdemetra-new-documentation.netlify.app/a-rev-policies


annasmyk commented 2 weeks ago


you mean "concurrent" ?

a-s-russo commented 2 weeks ago

On this page, there are only 7 policies in the summary table at the bottom: https://jdemetradocumentation.github.io/JDemetra-documentation/pages/case-studies/revision.html

On this page, there are only 7 policies in the Details section (FYI @AQLT): https://aqlt.github.io/rjwsacruncher/reference/create_param_file.html

On this page, there are only 7 policies in the 'Create the parameter file with create_param_file()' section (FYI @AQLT): https://aqlt.github.io/rjwsacruncher/articles/run_jwsacruncher.html

On these two pages, there are only 8 policies: https://jdemetradocumentation.github.io/JDemetra-documentation/pages/case-studies/revision.html (in the left-hand side pane), and https://github.com/jdemetra/jwsacruncher/wiki (at the bottom)

On this page, there are all 9 policies in the overview table: https://jdemetra-new-documentation.netlify.app/a-rev-policies#a-rev-pol-ov:

AQLT commented 1 week ago

In the code I see 8 policies https://github.com/jdemetra/jdplus-main/blob/507ec0aed4cf740afb92e2cd544b71738117b95f/jdplus-main-cli/jdplus-main-cli-bin/src/main/java/jdplus/cruncher/WsaConfig.java#L88-L118