jdeslip / arxiv-mobile

arXiv mobile - An Android App for arXiv
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Documents unable to open #11

Closed stoverc closed 6 years ago

stoverc commented 7 years ago

Hi there!

For the past week or so, any article I try to read gives an error mentioning an invalid pdf. Apparently, all articles are showing up as 0.0MB as well.

I see that someone else mentioned the same issue in the Play store just a couple days ago; I also noticed a similar bug listed here from back in 2013. Not sure how all this is related, but I wanted to share.

Thanks for the great app, and I hope it gets back up and running again soon!

DrPhimor commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem now with the version 2.0.6, installed via F-Droid (version 0.102.3) on a Samsung Galaxy S5.

fshabashev commented 6 years ago

@stoverc I figured out how to solve the problem. Just created pull request with fixes https://github.com/jdeslip/arxiv-mobile/pull/14

fshabashev commented 6 years ago

PDF downloading doesn't work because app sends http requests to http://arxiv.org, but arxiv redirects these requests to https://arxiv.org. As a result instead of pdf file app downloads a error message "Moved Permanently".

fshabashev commented 6 years ago

Apparently, all articles are showing up as 0.0MB as well.

that's why you guys are unable to open a file - it is because file consists of error message "Moved permanently".

jdeslip commented 6 years ago

Hey All,

Sorry. I fixed this in the play store about a year ago. I just updated the code. Thanks @pliable-statistics your fix was basically the same as mine.

My github account was accidentally ignoring these comments. :/ Fixed now I think.


jdeslip commented 6 years ago

I think the Google Code exporter had set my account up to ignore the arxiv-mobile project on import for some reason. I just figured nobody cared. ;)