jdeslip / arxiv-mobile

arXiv mobile - An Android App for arXiv
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Material design #13

Open moshpirit opened 7 years ago

moshpirit commented 7 years ago

Could you please include this style into the app? Thank you so much!! 😊

jdeslip commented 6 years ago

I agree! The UI needs a makeover. But, I personally don't have a lot of time these days. I'll see if I can scrounge up some time in the not to distant future, but pull requests are welcome.

Sorry for delay! I think when I imported the project from Google Code, my account was set to ignore this repo. So, I missed your message.

jdeslip commented 6 years ago

I've started a material design branch, which also includes a whole bunch of general code modernization for recent versions of Android. I expect to have something ready by years end with a beta likely available in October/November time frame.