Open SAIBA0011 opened 8 years ago
I am also experiencing this issue. I will take a look at the source and see what I can find...
The issue is with the z-index. It is too low to pop over the top of the bootstrap modal. A simple workaround is to increase the add of the z-index. In my version this is on line 666.
var zIndex = parseInt(this.$element.parents().filter(function() { return $(this).css('z-index') !== 'auto'; }).first().css('z-index'), 10) + 10;
change to:
var zIndex = parseInt(this.$element.parents().filter(function() { return $(this).css('z-index') !== 'auto'; }).first().css('z-index'), 10) + 1050;
It needs to be 1050 or larger for it to work.
Pull request:
This is related (from bootstrap-datepicker):
There is also one issue , when time picker is on modal .. when setting manual input of time in widget inputs , it will clear the input... no event is triggered..
I have too encountered this problem (using V0.5.2) and thanks to the information above I have worked around it using this temporary addition to my own CSS:
/* Hack to make Bootstrap Timepicker widget dropdown appear in a Bootstrap modal.
.bootstrap-timepicker-widget.dropdown-menu {
z-index: 1050!important;
This is nice because it doesn't involve modifying the library, which would be a PITA for version control.
@TrevorPage can you manual input in the widget ? when the timepicker is in modal? i have some issue on this the input in widget will not accept any input...
Hello @RomuloLlabresJr - I've just double-checked, and I confirm I can do the following while in a modal:
addon to make the widget appear, which works as expected.@TrevorPage here attached some link
try manual input in widget, it wont work..or am I just missing something?
All is OK if you replace your:
<input id="timepicker1">
<div class="input-group bootstrap-timepicker timepicker">
<input id="timepicker1" type="text" class="form-control input-small">
<span class="input-group-addon"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></i></span>
oh ok.. i will try. thanks
i updated the link
still if you try to manual input in widget hour/minutes/meridian.. it wont work..
Does for me. Using Chrome.
Regarding the input in widgets , not triggering events . I found out what cause the problem.. because of tabindex=1 in modal..
I'm also experiencing this issue. changing the z-order worked but I needed to remove the "template: 'modal'" iInitialization option
Does this time picker work with bootstrap 3?
This may be a bootstrap 3 issue. see stack question:
Hi I'm facing the same issue. The timepicker is not editable when open inside a modal, only with Mozilla
@samnair0 same here, mozilla only. Anyone found the fix for this issue?
Hi, the timepicker is not editable using mozilla? Is there any advice for this?
the tabindex seems to be the problem on the modal, I temporarily fixed this using:
timepicker.on('show.timepicker', function () {
also don't forget to set it again:
time.on('hide.timepicker', function () {
$('.modal').attr('tabindex', -1);
Replace this code with line #666. Issue is with z-index. This will take current modal z-index and increase it by 10.
var index_highest = 0;
$(".modal-class").each(function() {
// always use a radix when using parseInt
var index_current = parseInt($(this).css("zIndex"), 10);
if (index_current > index_highest) {
index_highest = index_current;
var zIndex = parseInt(this.$element.parents().filter(function() { return $(this).css('z-index') !== 'auto'; }).first().css('z-index'), 10) + index_highest;
Hi There,
I am having trouble with the bootstrap-timepicker when using bootstrap modals. I Have a form in the modal but as soon as i add the timepicker and try to select the time the little popup does not appear, the actual time when opened does get set though, and if i check the console, there is no logs of any errors to be found.
However, when im using this bootstrap-timepicker outside of a modal it is working 100% fine, very weird. i have tried adding classes to it, some additional styles, but still nothing.