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Indents not working in Processing.py #219

Open zwilhelmsen opened 6 years ago

zwilhelmsen commented 6 years ago

I am able to format sketches in Processing while using Java mode, but when I switch over to python mode, I am unable to format correctly by pressing tab, using the hotkeys or selecting either indent option from the menu. When attempted it pushes the cursor back to the beginning of the line. No indent is added. I may be missing something obvious in the preferences/ or the .txt file, so I have attached it. preferences.txt


jdf commented 6 years ago

OS? Python Mode version? Processing version? Path to Processing executable? Path to sketch directory?

zwilhelmsen commented 6 years ago

Mac OS 10.13.3 Processing 3.3.7 C:/Applications/Processing.app <---.app file C:/Users/me/Documents/Processing <---Sketch directory C:/Users/me/Library/Processing <---Config files such as preferences.txt

Here is the mode for python from contribs.txt: mode minRevision=246 name=Python Mode for Processing 3 maxRevision=0 sentence=Write Processing sketches in Python. url=https://github.com/jdf/processing.py prettyVersion=3035 paragraph= version=3035 authors=Jonathan Feinberg download=http://py.processing.org/3/PythonMode.zip type=mode id=169 categories=

Hope I provided enough information.

jdf commented 6 years ago

I can't reconcile "Mac OS" and paths like "C:/Applications", which you only ever see in Windows.

zwilhelmsen commented 6 years ago

C:/ is the name of the drive. I could remove the letter for you, but I don’t see why the name of my storage device effects the path of the .app file or others. I included the C so that you could see they are on the same drive.

jdf commented 6 years ago

Ah! Nefarious.

OK, well, the only thing I can guess offhand is that you're running some sort of firewall or other related security software that's preventing Python Mode either from launching its helper process that formats sketches, or from communicating with it once launched. Is that possible?

zwilhelmsen commented 6 years ago

That is unlikely but possible. I am running a pi-hole that is blocking lots of internet traffic. I didn’t realize there was a process that reaches to the Internet for formatting, I will look into this when I am home. Does processing.py work with python 3+? The repsotory

zwilhelmsen commented 6 years ago

*the repository says 2.7

jdf commented 6 years ago

Python Mode uses the syntax and standard libraries of Python 2.7. It doesn't work "with" CPython at all.

zwilhelmsen commented 6 years ago

Disabled the "firewall" and reinstalled python mode. No change. After some more searching through I realize I may have told you the file paths wrong. Python mode: /users/me/documents/processing/modes/pythonmode Unix executable: /applications/processing/contents/MacOS/processing Sketch: /users/me/documents/processing Python mode: 3035 Processing version: 3.3.7