jdf / Processing.py-Bugs

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cursor() bug #317

Open J-SGauthier opened 3 years ago

J-SGauthier commented 3 years ago

Recurring issue in Python mode (processing 3.5.4).

If I add cursor(HAND) to my sketch, regardless of which definition I place it under (either setup() or draw(), even in settings() ), the cursor will only correctly display the first time I run my sketch. Running the sketch again will return the cursor to a regular 'arrow' mouse pointer. Requires processing to be reopened to correct the bug.

"As for the cursor() issue it seems to have the same issue on Linux, and with any of the special cursors, like CROSS, & etc. Also, if you try noCursor() and then cursor(...) you get stuck with no cursor!" The same issue was noted by @villares on the processing.py forum

This persists in the P3D and P2D renderers but I have not tested the default renderer as I require the function in a P3D renderer sketch.

Prior to posting this bug I verified if other users were experiencing the issue.

Link here: ((https://discourse.processing.org/t/cursor-issue-in-processing-py-python-mode/31062))