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License of interactivity tutorial #318

Open soegaard opened 2 years ago

soegaard commented 2 years ago

Hi All,

I'd like to adapt this tutorial:


The bottom of the page says the license is:

 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 
 International License     

which suits me.

However, the original tutorial does not state the license - it just states the tutorial is part of the book "Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists" form MIT Press.

Is it possible to get affirmation that the license mentioned on


is correct?

tabreturn commented 2 years ago

I believe the Processing.py tutorial is based on the Processing (Java) tutorial: https://processing.org/tutorials/interactivity/

So it's probably best to ask on the Processing GitHub page: https://github.com/processing

soegaard commented 2 years ago

I see Luca commited the tutorial to the repo. Do you think he as more info?

I have tried making issues at https://github.com/processing/processing-docs but there haven't been any responses to any documentation issues since new year.

I'll attempt mail Casey Reas and Ben Fry directly.

soegaard commented 2 years ago

Reas wrote (back in august):

The error is on the py.processing.org site unfortunately. The original tutorial is here and the copyright is with MIT Press: https://processing.org/tutorials/interactivity/

I got my answer, but the license mentioned at the bottom of https://py.processing.org/tutorials/interactivity/ ought to be updated.

Feel free to close this issue.