jdf / Processing.py-Bugs

A home for all bugs and feature requests about Python Mode for the Processing Development Environment.
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Feature requers: Python 3.x support in Processing 4 #331

Open jonaslindemann opened 2 years ago

jonaslindemann commented 2 years ago

As I use Python extensively in teaching it would be nice to use Processing as a tool for illustrating different language features in a more interactive way.

Python 2.7 is not developed anymore and does not contain many of the more modern fetures.


villares commented 2 years ago

Hi Jonas!

Sadly this project is based on Jython, a Python interpreter using the JVM, in order to interact with the Processing infrastructure. Jython is stuck in 2.7 and there is no perspective of moving out of it with the current resources we have.

If you need Python 3 you might consider other projects that bring in Processing-like features: https://github.com/villares/Resources-for-teaching-programming/blob/main/README.md