jdf / Processing.py-Bugs

A home for all bugs and feature requests about Python Mode for the Processing Development Environment.
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P2D and P3D not working #375

Open KopylovVadik opened 1 year ago

KopylovVadik commented 1 year ago

P2D and P3D not working in python processing. I took the standard example shown below. When running the sketch, nothing happens and no error occurs. Tested on win, mac_os. Processing v.-4.1.3

`def setup(): size(640,360,P3D) background(0) lights()

translate(130, height/2, 0)

translate(500, height*0.35, -200)
tabreturn commented 1 year ago

Use Processing 3.5.4 for Python Mode until there's better support for Processing 4.

KopylovVadik commented 1 year ago

ok, thank you.

dwyn94 commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same problem. Already tried with Processing 3.5.4 and it is still not opening up the window when running P2D or P3D.

JimStein commented 1 year ago

Same Problem under Windows 11 using Processing 4.2 in Python mode. Already tried 3.5.4 version still not opening.

I've to call a DLL function in my project is there any instructions that I can realize in the Java mode as a working around? Many thanks.

villares commented 6 months ago

@JimStein @dwyn94 @KopylovVadik

I'm afraid Processing Python Mode currently lacks a maintainer. If you, like me, enjoy using the Processing graphics vocabulary with Python, you can do it now with py5.