Diffs in MY_SRC_INIT and SPIN: trc functions, bdyini.F90 (more gental relaxation), dtatsd, istate, bdy_oce (linked to trc)
my MY_SRC: bdy_ini.F90 and daymod.F90
harmonised to a single MY_SRC with a new namelist option to switch on/off overwriting the T/S field in the initialisation phase (see wiki)
Diffs in MY_SRC_INIT and SPIN: trc functions, bdyini.F90 (more gental relaxation), dtatsd, istate, bdy_oce (linked to trc) my MY_SRC: bdy_ini.F90 and daymod.F90
harmonised to a single MY_SRC with a new namelist option to switch on/off overwriting the T/S field in the initialisation phase (see wiki)