jdhao / jdhao.github.io

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2021/12/31/using_nvim_after_three_years/ #32

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Using Neovim for Three Years - jdhao's blog

I started using Neovim (nvim for short) about three years ago, in Sep. 2018. At that time, nvim had just released version 0.3.1. Over the years, I have been an adamant nvim user, constantly learning new knowledge, and sharing tips, tricks and interesting plugins in my blog posts.


younger-1 commented 2 years ago


jdhao commented 2 years ago

@younger-1 见笑了,菜鸟一枚,很高兴能帮到你。加油鸭!

wuqiangroy commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your sharing. I was use vim with basic command, and I could't understand the plugin install by Vundle like you. I'll try the Neovim as you say in this post. Thx, Thx very much.

WyattJia commented 2 years ago


leoatchina commented 2 years ago

It is is wonderful thing to read flycat's articles on neovim/vim!

sycoleo commented 2 years ago


jdhao commented 2 years ago



CharlesChiuGit commented 2 years ago

想問作者是如何寫自動化deploy nvim腳本的呢? 是用ansible嗎? 如果遇到沒有安裝權限的server是怎麼處理的呢?

jdhao commented 2 years ago

配置仓库有个在 linux 系统自动安装依赖以及 nvim 配置的脚本,直接运行就好了。没有权限的server具体指的是什么?没有权限也没必要在上面完整配置 nvim,是吧

CharlesChiuGit commented 2 years ago

了解,我剛剛快速掃了一下,確實都沒有用到sudo apt install等等的指令,看起來應該都可以在自己的home裡面搞定,我參考下,感恩!

沒有權限的server是說不能個人沒辦法sudo apt install等等的,想說有些lsp的東西和特定的python package需要在remote server上面安裝,不然一些diagnostic的東西會一直報錯,看了蠻煩lol

jdhao commented 2 years ago

目前我都是安装在自己的 home 目录下面,尽量都用binary release,如果没有,需要编译的就自己编译,设置好路径即可,这样就不需要管理员权限。

CharlesChiuGit commented 2 years ago


CharlesChiuGit commented 2 years ago

另外推薦一個nvim version manager,用rust寫的,我個人覺得更新nvim時蠻方便XD

jdhao commented 2 years ago

这个完全没必要再弄另外的工具,我直接自己写个脚本就更新了,如无需要勿增实体, Keep it simple and stupid 😅