jdhao / nvim-config

A modern Neovim configuration with full battery for Python, Lua, C++, Markdown, LaTeX, and more...
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vimtex on Linux? #4

Closed cadens07 closed 4 years ago

cadens07 commented 4 years ago

Hi ! Thanks for your config !

I'm trying to get vimtex working. How to compile and previewing from your configs? thanks

jdhao commented 4 years ago

What is your operating system and what is your neovim version? What has gone wrong?

For setting up vimtex, see also this post.

cadens07 commented 4 years ago

I'm Running Archlinux. here --> https://github.com/lervag/vimtex <-- the command \ll \lv \lk and \le working. What's the equivalent under your configs to use vimtex ?

Plus, coulf you tell me how I can add pluggins ? thanks for your help regards

jdhao commented 4 years ago

I do not have a linux machine on my side, so I can not test this config under Linux. In this config, I have explicitly disable vimtex on Linux, see the relevant part here. So if you want to use my config, you need to remove the if and endif block.

I haven't set any mappings (\ll, \lv etc.) for vimtex commands. So I just manually run :VimtexCompile and other commands to compile my LaTeX source file.

Also, since I do not have Linux machine, I only set up automatic viewing of the compiled PDF on Windows and Mac. If you want to do that on Linux, I am afraid you have to consult the vimtex documentation. But the configuration should be similar to that of Windows. The viewer settings of my config can be found here.

I am currently using vim-plug to install plugins, to add a plugin, you just provide the plugin GitHub repo name like the following:

Plug 'user/repo_name'

For more info on how to use vim-plug, please consult the official doc.

cadens07 commented 4 years ago

Ok! I Understand, from the beggiining vimtex is not installed (you mentionned "if windows or mac"). I follow yuor instruction --> Plug 'lervag/vimtex WOrking now!
