jdhitsolutions / MySQLite

A small set of PowerShell commands for working with SQLite database files.
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ConvertFrom-MySQLiteDB doesn't restore blobs #15

Closed jdhitsolutions closed 1 year ago

jdhitsolutions commented 1 year ago

Blobbed properties via clixml data don't get properly restored.

PS C:\> [pscustomobject]@{Name="Jeff";Date=(Get-date);Msg = "This isn't that difficult. Is it?";Bits = (Get-Service bits)} | ConvertTo-MySQLiteDB -Path d:\temp\tst3.db -TableName test
PS C:\> Convertfrom-mySQLitedb -Path D:\temp\tst4.db -PropertyTable propertymap_System_Management_Automation_PSCustomObject -TableName test | fl

Name : Jeff
Date : 9/12/2022 9:01:31 AM
Msg  : This isn't that difficult. Is it?
Bits :

The Bits property is null. There is data in the table.

PS C:\> Invoke-MySQLiteQuery -Path D:\temp\tst4.db -q "Select * from test"

Name Date                 Msg                               Bits
---- ----                 ---                               ----
Jeff 9/12/2022 9:01:31 AM This isn't that difficult. Is it? {60, 79, 98, 106...}
jdhitsolutions commented 1 year ago

Data exists, just not getting properly restored.

PS C:\> convertfrom-mySQLitedb -Path D:\temp\tst4.db -TableName test -RawObject

Name Date                 Msg                               Bits
---- ----                 ---                               ----
Jeff 9/12/2022 9:01:31 AM This isn't that difficult. Is it? {60, 79, 98, 106...}
jdhitsolutions commented 1 year ago

This appears to be fixed with the release of v0.10.0