jdhitsolutions / MySQLite

A small set of PowerShell commands for working with SQLite database files.
MIT License
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Cmdlet checks on ".db" file's extension #17

Closed kolmidad closed 1 year ago

kolmidad commented 1 year ago


There's a check that runs at cmdlet starting on database file extension. It seems to allow ".db" pattern only and won't run in any other case. We use ".sqlite" extension for naming our Sqlite database files as it is allowed (also default in Sqlite DB Browser). This is handy for us because we may use several DB engines on the same filesystem with no ambiguity.

Will you agree to modify these cmdlets in a more permisive way ? Is there any strong reason not to ?

Thanks a lot by advance as doing this allows us to add your work in our team's tool box.

jdhitsolutions commented 1 year ago

This is a reasonable request. I can add a test for all the valid extensions. It looks like Export-MysqliteDB is the only command where this is an issue. Or is there some other command that is problematic?

kolmidad commented 1 year ago

yes indeed, it looks like other cmdlet accepts .sqlite extension sorry for that I didn't checked far enough before asking anyway I'm glad to read you'll extend the filename test again thank you very much

jdhitsolutions commented 1 year ago

I've pushed v0.11.0 to the PowerShell Gallery with the new changes.