jdibenes / hl2ss

HoloLens 2 Sensor Streaming.
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Depth camera intrinsics #23

Open RishaRanjan opened 1 year ago

RishaRanjan commented 1 year ago

Hi! Is it possible to get the intrinsic properties of the depth camera and if so, how? Thanks!

RaniBgz commented 1 year ago

Hi, If you look in some of the sample, you may find lines like this:

calibration_ht = hl2ss_3dcv.get_calibration_rm(host, hl2ss.StreamPort.RM_DEPTH_AHAT, calibration_path)


calibration_lt = hl2ss_3dcv.get_calibration_rm(host, hl2ss.StreamPort.RM_DEPTH_LONGTHROW, calibration_path)

The first one gets the calibration for the AHAT camera, and the second one for the Long Throw. However, calibration_path should point to the "tools" folder in the project, in some scripts, the value is still "../calibration" instead of "../tools".

From there, you can get the intrinsics by just calling:

calibration_lt = hl2ss_3dcv.get_calibration_rm(host, hl2ss.StreamPort.RM_DEPTH_LONGTHROW, calibration_path)
lt_intrinsics = calibration_lt.intrinsics

(Or directly use calibration_lt.intrinsics where you need it)

You can dig around in hl2ss_3dcv.py and hl2ss.py to see the functions that actually get the calibration, and the data you can get there. Hope this helps!