jdidion / atropos

An NGS read trimming tool that is specific, sensitive, and speedy. (production)
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minor discrepancy between cutadapt and atropos report #46

Closed cokelaer closed 6 years ago

cokelaer commented 6 years ago

I am aware that atropos can output reports in json, which is more robust but currently I am still parsing the report in txt format and noticed this discrepancy in the single end case as compared to the cutadapt report. This is just a typo in the label. Note the correct "s" in "Reads with adapters"

=== Summary ===

Total reads processed:                   2,500
Reads with adapters:                         0 (0.0%)
Reads that were too short:                  18 (0.7%)
Reads written (passing filters):         2,482 (99.3%)

whereas in atopos 1.1.5 there is no "s" at "adapter"

Reads                                  records   fraction
----------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Total reads processed:                  78,316
Reads with adapter:                        330       0.4%
Reads that were too short:                 285       0.4%
jdidion commented 6 years ago

Will be fixed in 1.1.15.