according to the documentation (and several online practice examples), DARTEL-normalized resliced images should receive a "wd" prefix. This is also the suit_defaults setting (line 106).
When I reviewed some earlier analyses, I was confused by the fact that my all files have a "wc" prefix (which suggests reslicing with the old, non-DARTEL suit_reslice function).
Yet, I can see from the stored GUI batch scripts that I must have run reslicing based on the DARTEL processing results. Indeed, when I open the GUI batch for "Reslicing images to atlas space (DARTEL)", the appropriate DARTEL inputs (affine, flowfield, etc.) are defined, but the default prefix in this menu is "wc".
I wonder whether my installation is buggy for some reason, or whether SUIT borrows these GUI defaults for reslice_dartel from the older reslice GUI menu settings, as I noticed that tbx_cfg_suit does include a prefix section for reslice (line 699 ff), but not for reslice_dartel. In fact, the GUI information for prefix in "Reslicing images to atlas space (DARTEL)" refers to @(val)suit_get_defaults('reslice.prefix',val{:}).
Of course, this problem will not bother anyone who runs SUIT from command line only.
according to the documentation (and several online practice examples), DARTEL-normalized resliced images should receive a "wd" prefix. This is also the suit_defaults setting (line 106).
When I reviewed some earlier analyses, I was confused by the fact that my all files have a "wc" prefix (which suggests reslicing with the old, non-DARTEL suit_reslice function).
Yet, I can see from the stored GUI batch scripts that I must have run reslicing based on the DARTEL processing results. Indeed, when I open the GUI batch for "Reslicing images to atlas space (DARTEL)", the appropriate DARTEL inputs (affine, flowfield, etc.) are defined, but the default prefix in this menu is "wc".
I wonder whether my installation is buggy for some reason, or whether SUIT borrows these GUI defaults for reslice_dartel from the older reslice GUI menu settings, as I noticed that tbx_cfg_suit does include a prefix section for reslice (line 699 ff), but not for reslice_dartel. In fact, the GUI information for prefix in "Reslicing images to atlas space (DARTEL)" refers to @(val)suit_get_defaults('reslice.prefix',val{:}).
Of course, this problem will not bother anyone who runs SUIT from command line only.
Best wishes,