jdiegodcp / ramlfications

Python parser for RAML
Apache License 2.0
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ramlfications.models.data_types: add missing import #106

Closed freddrake closed 8 years ago

freddrake commented 8 years ago

Added a missing import.

Tests that should exercise this code are currently disabled; re-enabling tests/raml10tests/test_types.py test_string_with_validation is going to take a bit more time understanding how ramlfications works under the hood than I've time for today, but this allowed me to at least parse the RAML I've got for my project now.

econchick commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thanks @freddrake - I've been rewriting tests, and the ones disabled are actually going to eventually just be removed, with everything in tests/v020tests.

freddrake commented 8 years ago

Is there an example of a data type tests that follows the desired pattern?

econchick commented 8 years ago

@freddrake no not really, that's partly why I haven't written tests for it. The raml.org folks have a repo of examples, and it looks like there is one with the pattern attribute. You're more than welcome to add this full example to this repo and write tests against this functionality (which I would eventually do, but would love/welcome PRs for it 😄 )