jdiegodcp / ramlfications

Python parser for RAML
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Parse <<parameters>> in resources #2

Closed econchick closed 8 years ago

econchick commented 9 years ago

Within RAML, one is able to declare parameters within resource types and traits docs. It would be nice when accessing the actual resource object defined with a resource type/trait containing a parameter, to have the parameter values substitute the <<parameter>>.

Currently, it's setup as follows:

  - parameterTrait
          description: A valid <<tokenName>> is required
    is: [ parameterTrait ]
>>> endpoint.query_params
>>> param = _[0]
>>> param.description
A valid <<tokenName>> is required

And ideally, it'd look like this:

  - parameterTrait
          description: A valid <<tokenName>> is required
    is: [ parameterTrait: { tokenName: access_token } ]
>>> endpoint.query_params
>>> param = _[0]
>>> param.description
A valid access_token is required
econchick commented 8 years ago

This should be all set in the v0.2.0-dev branch :tada:

bpowell65536 commented 8 years ago

@econchick Sorry to resurrect this, but I think I have found a case where the substitution of parameters doesn't work - given the following RAML:

#%RAML 0.8
title: Parameterised Resource Test
version: v1
baseUri: http://localhost:8080
  - collection-custom-variable:
        description: Get all the <<resourceType|!pluralize>>
        description: Create a new <<resourceType>>
        description: Update an existing <<resourceType>>
        description: Delete an existing <<resourceType>>
      resourceType: job
      resourceType: unit
      resourceType: user

the resourceType parameter is not substituted into any of the method descriptions (this example doesn't work at all on the v0.2.0-dev branch because of a mistake I made in the fix for #85 - the attempted fix for the issue described here corrects that mistake as well). I have tried to develop a fix for this, but I ended up reimplementing some of the existing parameter substitution code. I would prefer to re-use the existing code if possible, but I'm not sure how to integrate it with the ramlfications.parser.main._create_resource_node method, which is where I think the substitution code needs to be. I have pushed a test case and a partial fix (which doesn't handle parameter transforms) to https://github.com/bpowell65536/ramlfications/tree/parameterised_resources_fix - would you be able to take a look? Thanks!

bpowell65536 commented 8 years ago

@econchick After a bit more thought, I have made a better fix for this issue using ramlfications.utils.common.substitute_parameters. This fix handles parameter transforms and passes all the existing test cases, including correctly parsing the example in the previous post. I can post a pull request now if you like.