from gremlin_python.structure.graph import Graph
from import GraphSONWriter
# Initialize the graph
graph = Graph()
# Add vertices
g = graph.traversal()
alice = g.addV("person").property("name", "Alice").property("age", 29).next()
bob = g.addV("person").property("name", "Bob").property("age", 35).next()
city = g.addV("location").property("name", "New York").next()
# Add edges
g.addE("lives_in").from_(alice).to(city).property("since", 2015).iterate()
g.addE("knows").from_(alice).to(bob).property("since", 2010).iterate()
# Export the graph to visualize or store
writer = GraphSONWriter()
with open("graph.json", "w") as f:
graphson_data = writer.writeObject(graph)
print("Graph exported to graph.json")
Convert GraphJSON to JSON
import json
# Load the GraphSON file
with open("graph.json", "r") as f:
graphson = json.load(f)
# Simplify the structure
graph = graphson["@value"]
# Process vertices
vertices = []
for vertex in graph["vertices"]:
simplified_vertex = {
"id": vertex["id"],
"label": vertex["label"],
# Flatten properties
for key, value in vertex["properties"].items():
simplified_vertex[key] = value[0]["value"]
# Process edges
edges = []
for edge in graph["edges"]:
simplified_edge = {
"id": edge["id"],
"label": edge["label"],
"source": edge["outV"],
"target": edge["inV"],
# Add edge properties
simplified_edge.update(edge.get("properties", {}))
# Create simplified JSON structure
simplified_graph = {
"vertices": vertices,
"edges": edges
# Save to a new JSON file
with open("graph_simplified.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(simplified_graph, f, indent=4)
print("Simplified graph saved to graph_simplified.json")
Example code:
Create GraphJSON
Convert GraphJSON to JSON