jdkanani / vim-material-theme

Material theme for vim
MIT License
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how to working on iterm2 #3

Open gatspy opened 9 years ago

gatspy commented 9 years ago

love this theme,very。 this theme success in macvim,but no effect in iterm2 vim. how to? thanks

Banashek commented 8 years ago

Yeah works in macvim and gvim, but not in iterm2.

This is related to #1 in that if you look at the comments at the top of the theme file, it has a conditional script to encode the theme file if there isn't a gui running.

That script isn't part of the repo, so this only works in guis.

Shame too, it's a pretty theme.

For now I have a workaround that loads it when I use gui vim

if !has('gui_running')
    colorscheme vividchalk
    colorscheme material-theme

Thanks for open sourcing the gui version at least!

runar commented 8 years ago

I’d love to use this in my terminal, so I’ll allow myself to bump this issue.

@jdkanani: Any chance you would help us out?

jdkanani commented 8 years ago

@runar would love to see this but I am stuck in some other task currently. Would definitely merge any pull request supporting this.

jbouhier commented 8 years ago

Bump. iterm2 theme is affecting vim theme.

runar commented 8 years ago

@jdkanani: No problem! Would it be possible for you to share the base16 scripts mentioned in the theme file?

gskll commented 6 years ago

For recent vims try adding set termguicolors to your .vimrc