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TypeError: choices[(choices.length - 1)] is undefined #316

Closed JeanPaulLucien closed 5 years ago

JeanPaulLucien commented 7 years ago

function investigate(ev) { if(ev.which === 2) { return; } ev.preventDefault(); var choice = $('.choices li', groupNode)[choices[choices.length - 1][choiceIndex[choiceIndex.length - 1]]]; if (choice.hasAttribute('next-group')) { cleanUpCurrent(); switchGroup(choice.getAttribute('next-group')); } else { window.open(choice.getAttribute('target')); } } When I go to the website or reload it, I have this errors and central button doesn't show. If I press "It wrong...", the website starts to work well.

jdm commented 7 years ago

What is the url you visit when you see this error?

JeanPaulLucien commented 7 years ago

https://whatcanidoformozilla.org - start page. There are not text of topic (free space). Green button hasn't the link. Blue button without text and has minimal size, and doesn't work too.

jdm commented 7 years ago

What language does the page default to?

JeanPaulLucien commented 7 years ago


pascalchevrel commented 7 years ago

I can't reproduce, Jean-Paul what browser version are you using ?

JeanPaulLucien commented 7 years ago

`Синхронный XMLHttpRequest в основной нити является устаревшим из-за его пагубного влияния на работу конечного пользователя. Для получения дополнительной помощи обратитесь к http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/ l10n.js:193:0

Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #lang option[value=] jquery-1.11.2.min.js:2:12717

TypeError: choiceIndex[(choiceIndex.length - 1)] is undefined foopy.js:123:22

TypeError: lastIndex is undefined foopy.js:50:26

TypeError: choices[(choices.length - 1)] is undefined foopy.js:50:26

TypeError: choices[(choices.length - 1)] is undefined foopy.js:123:22`

Cyberfox 42.0x64

jdm commented 7 years ago

I recommend updating to Cyberfox 51 and seeing if it still occurs.