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Make WhatCanIDoForMozilla.org URL more European friendly #336

Open zoepage opened 7 years ago

zoepage commented 7 years ago


I'm Ola from the Web Compatibility team. I was talking to Michael Henretty from Open Innovation the other day about the site and what amazing entry point it is for new contributors. But we've realized that the URL based on the American "What can I do for my country" does not translate in Europe, especially in Germany.

Is there a way to make the URL more European friendly and basically just add a redirect? Something like "whatCanIDoForTheOpenWeb.org" or "HowCanIHelpMozillaToFixTheWeb" or similar?


jdm commented 7 years ago

Can you help me understand how "what can I do for the open web" is different from "what can I do for Mozilla"?

zoepage commented 7 years ago

@jdm Happy to try :)

People (in general) experience Mozilla as a company or organization, that has the goal to benefit the people and open up the web, but it is still a company that makes money and pays people to do things, right? So open source contributors give away their free time to Mozilla to help and hopefully reach that goal together.

I feel like in the European open source community has a bigger focus on non-profit and are more about helping the cause, but without a company in between or maybe with a company, but which operates primarily in the background. The moment people feel like someone else is making money out of their "free time", the more likely are they to not participate. So its less about brands or a product, but way more about the goal itself or the community benefits.

I know, Mozilla's mission is to keep the web open and free.

"Open Web" is something non-branded and free. This is why it would fit more? Not sure, if that was a good explanation. Please feel free to ask more questions or add your view. :)


stephwright commented 7 years ago

sounds like we need to do a better job of letting folks know that the org behind Mozilla is a non-profit foundation.