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Create a Webmaker component #50

Closed sayak-sarkar closed 11 years ago

sayak-sarkar commented 11 years ago

Just noticed that there is no checkbox option to view a list of bugs categorized under the Webmaker component. It would be nice to have this added as well.

jdm commented 11 years ago

What would this map to in bugzilla and/or github?

sayak-sarkar commented 11 years ago

Here's a list of the products/components maintained in GitHub that I'm aware of followed by a list of components maintained in Bugzilla.


Please do let me know if any more details are required.

P.S.: I've also experimented a bit with creating the entry on a fork by adding the Webmaker Category and Extra information on index.html and Component Mapping on magic.js, however it somehow doesn't retrieve the list of bugs from Bugzilla. Is there any other place where modifications are needed?

sayak-sarkar commented 11 years ago

I tried making the following modifications to the cloned repository to add the Webmaker category, but somehow it doesn't retrieve any bugs. Do I need to make any more modifications somewhere else or is there something wrong with the following?


Added the ["webmaker","Webmaker"] category to addCategories([])

and the following call to the addExtra function:

addExtra('webmaker', 'Extra information for Webmaker', 'Get involved with the <a href="http://webmaker.org" target="_blank">Webmaker team</a>');


addComponentMapping('webmaker', 'Webmaker', ['Badges',
                                             'Popcorn Maker',
addGithubComponentMapping('webmaker', ['mozilla/friendlycode',
                                       'mozilla/hackablegames'], '');
jdm commented 11 years ago

Note that only Bugzilla bugs with the mentor= tag in the whiteboard will be retrieved. Also, I'm not a fan of retrieving all github issues. It's much better to create a mentored tag and retrieve issues that use it (the last parameter of addGithubComponentMapping).

sayak-sarkar commented 11 years ago

That makes a lot of sense! So what I get from this is that the modifications are ok, but Bugs Ahoy! would only retrieve bugs which are marked as mentored. I will try and talk to the webmaker team to see they can identify some bugs which can be mentored. In the meantime if the above modifications look ok (I will be adding back the mentored tag), is it ok, if I submit a pull request?

jdm commented 11 years ago

They changes are correct, but the category of "webmaker" doesn't thrill me. Is the only thing that ties all of these together the fact that they're all webmaker tools?

sayak-sarkar commented 11 years ago

Most of the things that I've added over here are related to the tools, but there is a huge scope for mentored bugs within them as well as in other areas as well. With the development in progress with Webmaker v2 including user dashboards and stuff there is further list of components including that of Webmaker sites that can be added. Personally I feel there are a lot of web dev related bugs in there which can be pretty good starting points for a lot of people.

jdm commented 11 years ago

Sure, I don't doubt that there is scope for mentored bugs in those projects. My concern is that a category like "Webmaker" doesn't suggest anything about the tasks it may contain to someone seeing the name for the first time, so it may see less usage than other ones in the list.

sayak-sarkar commented 11 years ago

Valid point, however, we already have a proposal within the Webmaker team to initiate a technical group for volunteers, where experienced developers can guide newbies into the development areas. The best way to do this might be by guiding volunteers through mentored bugs. This is where I think Bugs Ahoy! would be really helpful and drive the usage as we already have seen huge volunteer interests in all contribution areas so far.

Also, do you have any suggestions about how we can make better suggestions about the tasks that such a category may contain, especially for people seeing the name for the first time? I'm thinking maybe adding some more details in the addExtra() section to guide newbies can help here.

jdm commented 11 years ago

With regards to the addExtra, I prefer to include links to pages that have explicit instructions on how to contribute. webmaker.org doesn't fulfill that role right now.

sayak-sarkar commented 11 years ago

True! Such a page is something that is expected sometime in the near future I believe, once the Webmaker tech team is established.

In the meantime, are there any more concerns that need to be taken care of before this component can be added? If not, should I submit a pull request or make any further modifications before submitting one?

jdm commented 11 years ago

I'd accept the pull request.