jdmonin / JSettlers2

Java Settlers project home, downloads, and GPLv3 source code. To download the latest version as a JAR, see https://github.com/jdmonin/JSettlers2/releases/latest .
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developer that work in windows OS as an issue with the ant build... #20

Closed alesky78 closed 7 years ago

alesky78 commented 7 years ago

same of the file are pushed in the github repository with the iso-8859-1 encoding, but ant by default will use the cp1252 in windows environment

a bug fix for now can be to force javac to use the correct encoding in the build.xml

jdmonin commented 7 years ago

Hi Alessandro,

That's a good point, the system default encoding can surprise ant. The encoding for jsettlers is UTF-8, as mentioned in README.developer. (Properties files are ISO-8859-1 per java specs).

I've committed 67cbf88 which forces UTF-8 for javac and javadoc tasks.

Thank you for the suggestion! -Jeremy

PS: Currently the only text files in the repo with non-ascii characters are the properties files, and the pseudolocalization utility class src/java/org/fedorahosted/tennera/antgettext/StringUtil.java:

$ pcregrep -r -l "[\x80-\xFF]" * |fgrep -v -e ".jar" -e ".sqlite" -e ".class" -e ".gif" -e ".png" -e ".xcf"  |xargs file
src/java/net/nand/util/i18n/gui/strings/pte_es.properties:       ISO-8859 English text, with very long lines
src/java/org/fedorahosted/tennera/antgettext/StringUtil.java:    UTF-8 Unicode C program text
src/java/soc/client/strings/data.properties:                     ISO-8859 English text
src/java/soc/client/strings/data_es.properties:                  ISO-8859 English text
src/java/soc/server/strings/toClient.properties:                 ISO-8859 English text, with very long lines
src/java/soc/server/strings/toClient_es.properties:              ISO-8859 English text, with very long lines
target/classes/net/nand/util/i18n/gui/strings/pte_es.properties: ISO-8859 English text, with very long lines
target/classes/soc/client/strings/data.properties:               ISO-8859 English text
target/classes/soc/client/strings/data_es.properties:            ISO-8859 English text
target/classes/soc/server/strings/toClient.properties:           ISO-8859 English text, with very long lines
target/classes/soc/server/strings/toClient_es.properties:        ISO-8859 English text, with very long lines

$ iconv -f UTF-8 src/java/org/fedorahosted/tennera/antgettext/StringUtil.java >/dev/null
$ echo $?
alesky78 commented 7 years ago

you are right

the file that created the issue is StringUtil that is in UTF8