jdmonin / JSettlers2

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bot fails to play soldier card, but still gets it counted #91

Closed kotc closed 2 years ago

kotc commented 3 years ago

recently i was playing on clothes map, bot was repeatedly trying to play soldier card, but failed, 'card was returned', but his soldier count would increase. see screenshot. do you need log too?


kotc commented 3 years ago

log is filled with:

current turn: 6507 messages received: SOCRejectOffer:game=game-1200|playerNumber=-1|reasonCode=2 SOCDiceResult:game=game-1200|param=7 SOCGameState:game=game-1200|state=50 SOCDiscardRequest:game=game-1200|numDiscards=4 SOCDiscardRequest:game=game-1200|numDiscards=4 SOCDiscardRequest:game=game-1200|numDiscards=4 [last line repeated thousands of times] L5789: Waiting too long for bot discard or gain: game=game-1200, pn=1 robot prof. Gabey Forced discard: 4 from robot prof. Gabey in game game-1200 ILLEGAL BANK TRADE: robot prof. Gabey: give clay=0|ore=0|sheep=4|wheat=0|wood=0|unknown=0, get clay= 0|ore=0|sheep=0|wheat=1|wood=0|unknown=0 For robot robot prof. Gabey: force end turn in game game-1200 pn=1 state 33 (stubborn) Robot internal state: robot prof. Gabey in game game-1200: gs=33 ourTurn: TRUE doneTrading: false waitingForGameState: false waitingForOurTurn: false waitingForTurnMain: TRUE waitingForTradeMsg: false waitingForDevCard: false waitingForTradeResponse: false waitingForSC_PIRI_FortressRequest: false moveRobberOnSeven: false expectSTART1A: false expectSTART1B: false expectSTART2A: false expectSTART2B: false expectSTART3A: false expectSTART3B: false expectROLL_OR_CARD: false expectPLAY1: TRUE expectPLACING_ROAD: false expectPLACING_SETTLEMENT: false expectPLACING_CITY: false expectPLACING_SHIP: false expectPLACING_ROBBER: false expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD1: false expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD2: false expectPLACING_INV_ITEM: false expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START1A: false expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START1B: false expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START2A: false expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START2B: false expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START3A: false expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START3B: false expectDICERESULT: false expectDISCARD: false expectMOVEROBBER: false expectWAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY: false expectWAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY: false previous turn: 3982 messages received: SOCDiscardRequest:game=game-1200|numDiscards=3 [repeated line again]

kotc commented 3 years ago

additionally some parts of the window aren't redrawn after maximize/unmaximize as seen in the screenshot. not related to the issue, shall i create new one?

jdmonin commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'll try to take a look this weekend.

You don't need to make an issue for the redraw bug, that's known about already. Thanks for offering, though :)

jdmonin commented 2 years ago

Thanks again for reporting this one! Was a server-side fix; tested against new client, v2.0.00, v1.1.18.

jdmonin commented 2 years ago

This fix was released as part of v2.5.00. Thanks again!