This is an old map, but was one of the first maps to be intended to be played with grappling hooks. I'm in the process of implementing the swing-hook as an option, and it just reminded me of this map which was included with the hook mods back in the day.
From the text file:
"Airtime map
Included with this mod is a map I created specifically for the swinging hook.
It contains some of the largest and tallest rooms you will ever see in Quake2
for your ultimate swinging experience. It’s a freestyle tricks map which
becomes more and more fun as your swinging skills improve -- so don't give up!
If you want to see what can be done with the hook on this map, view the demo by
running "Q2hook Demo.bat" from the Quake2 directory.
Due to the large volume that needs to be rendered in the viewport, you should
play this map preferably with the OpenGL renderer. The software renderer will
cause the walls to pop in and out as max edges and surfaces are reached.
The source map file is included in the /hook/src/ directory in case someone
want modify it."
It was made by "Perecli Manole AKA Bort". No idea if he's still alive. His email is and his website is - it seems like he's been updating it since at least 2015, so he might still be alive!
This is an old map, but was one of the first maps to be intended to be played with grappling hooks. I'm in the process of implementing the swing-hook as an option, and it just reminded me of this map which was included with the hook mods back in the day.
From the text file: "Airtime map
Included with this mod is a map I created specifically for the swinging hook. It contains some of the largest and tallest rooms you will ever see in Quake2 for your ultimate swinging experience. It’s a freestyle tricks map which becomes more and more fun as your swinging skills improve -- so don't give up! If you want to see what can be done with the hook on this map, view the demo by running "Q2hook Demo.bat" from the Quake2 directory.
Due to the large volume that needs to be rendered in the viewport, you should play this map preferably with the OpenGL renderer. The software renderer will cause the walls to pop in and out as max edges and surfaces are reached. The source map file is included in the /hook/src/ directory in case someone want modify it."
It was made by "Perecli Manole AKA Bort". No idea if he's still alive. His email is and his website is - it seems like he's been updating it since at least 2015, so he might still be alive!