jdolan / quetoo

Quetoo ("Q2") is a free first person shooter based on id Tech2. GPL v2 license.
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Suddenly low framerate again #489

Closed Panjoo closed 6 years ago

Panjoo commented 7 years ago

I think it was after updating to mingw 3a40290 that my framerate suddenly dropped to unacceptable low numbers. First I thought it was the cap (r_vsync) but it felt choppy overall, even on small maps like Torn and Tokays. Disabling weather didn't help.

Normally with r_vsync 0 I would get over 250 fps easily on simple maps like Tokays, but now the game's stuggling when there's some action. I have no idea what's changed again but big performance drops like these always get me worried about what will become of this game for people with older systems. I always put performance first.

Here, 74fps tops and the water also looks different, less transparent or something. This shot was taken with vsync off; fpsdrop

SpineyPete commented 6 years ago

Tonemapping is more of a global concept, it should be moved to post processing eventually to go hang out with bloom. A better approach to make reflections colorful would be to encode the metal-ness/plastic-ness on the second channel of the glossmap, which is just sitting around doing nothing at the moment. @void-995's spherical gaussian lightmapping should also help with deluxemapped textures looking flat.

I'll look at the model bumpmapping when I have the time, I'm sure something can be done there.

jdolan commented 6 years ago

I'm going to close this out, and open new, properly titled issues for view model rendering, tone mapping, and self-shadowing / horizon mapping.