jdomainapp / jda

the root source code project of the JDA framework
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Project: MDSD-AL #46

Open ducmle opened 2 years ago

ducmle commented 2 years ago

@jdomainapp/all , @hieuvd


A project to develop a micro-domain software development method (MDSD) with aDSLs (MDSD-AL).

Phase I - 2022: Develop the core


Additional features

The following features are additionally developed during the course of the project:

ducmle commented 2 years ago

@jdomainapp/all , @hieuvd Seminar: 9/10/2021 9h Agenda:

  1. Report on Module-RESTFSTool (submitted paper)
  2. MSA Properties and impacts on MOSA (#37)
  3. Behavoural modelling with aDSLs (#36)
  4. Training progress: @levanvinhskv, @haworker25
ducmle commented 2 years ago

@jdomainapp/all Seminar: 16/10/2021 9h Agenda:

  1. Training presentation: SpringBoot (web service, microservice): @levanvinhskv , @haworker25
  2. MOSA+/MDSA (P1: @ducmle)
    • MCCL: paper-2020
    • SCCL: paper-2019
  3. Conference plan: C1 (@hanhdd), C2 (@ducmle)
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 23/10/2021 9h-11h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Project update
  2. Team introduction: Msc students candidates
  3. @levanvinhskv : PhD proposal presentation
  4. Team training: progress update & discussion
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 30/10/2021 9h-11h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq


  1. Project update: outline idea for MSA & JDA
  2. @levanvinhskv : complete spring-eg-coursemanrestful (artifact-id)
  3. @haworker25 : complete spring-eg-coursemanmsa (artifact-id)
  4. @jdomainapp/candidates : complete training two examples: jda-eg-coursemanbasics & jda-eg-coursemansw


Msc candidates interests:

  1. Hải: fullstack web dev
  2. Hồng: adapting JDA's software generator for PHP/Lavarel
  3. Hướng: TBC
  4. Linh: Microservice design and management
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Design meeting: 26/10/2021 8:30-9:30 PM

@jdomainapp/designers Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Discuss idea for MSA & JDA (paper 2)
  2. Next meeting: in 2 weeks time.
ducmle commented 2 years ago


Project grant update

ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 6/11/2021 9h-11h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/170tmJ5KRm3pW5yewFEszDZ9pCBPupku0/view?usp=sharing Agenda:

  1. Project update: continue to research MDA + DDD for the project
    • Linh & Huong: possible interest in service design & composition
  2. @ducmle
    • fix bug: (issue jdomainapp/training#10)
  3. @levanvinhskv : complete spring-eg-coursemanmsa
    • rename artifact, checkin into examples folder
    • update ReadMe.md to explain how to setup and use the example
  4. @haworker25 : improve spring-eg-coursemanmsa to use event streaming (Spring cloud stream)
    • checkin into examples folder
    • write ReadMe.md to explain how to setup and use the example
  5. @jdomainapp/candidates :
    • study the examples: jda-eg-coursemanbasics & jda-eg-coursemansw
    • propose the thesis problem based on new features for JDA
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 13/11/2021 9h-11h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Project update: continue to research MDA + DDD for the project
  2. @ducmle
    • [x] change settings to allow candidates to set labels for issues
    • [x] fix a bug in CourseManSwGen in Windows (see jdomainapp/training#13)
  3. @levanvinhskv : complete spring-eg-coursemanmsa
    • rename artifact, checkin into examples folder
    • update ReadMe.md to explain how to setup and use the example
    • present the detailed research plan
  4. @haworker25 : improve spring-eg-coursemanmsa to use event streaming (Spring cloud stream)
    • checkin into examples folder
    • write ReadMe.md to explain how to setup and use the example
  5. @jdomainapp/candidates :
    • study the examples: jda-eg-coursemanbasics & jda-eg-coursemansw
    • present a proposal for the MSC thesis project (may propose 2-3 problems, discuss and choose one) @Linh: frontend (Reactjs), code-gen, microservice; work case study: HR management @Hong: PHP/Lavarel (or: SpringBoot), fullstack code-gen, RESTful; work case study: production machine/equipment maintenance @Hai: code-gen, microservice, fullstack; work case study: (?) @Huong: not sure (?)
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Design meeting: 16/11/2021 8:30-9:30 PM

@jdomainapp/designers Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Discuss paper 2's outline: motivation, problem definition, background research
  2. Next meeting: in 2 weeks.
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 20/11/2021 9h-11h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Project update: continue to research MDA + DDD for the project
  2. @ducmle
    • [x] share reports of the three core JDA papers
  3. @levanvinhskv : complete spring-eg-coursemanmsa
    • [ ] rename artifact, checkin into examples folder
    • [ ] update ReadMe.md to explain how to setup and use the example
    • [ ] present the detailed research plan
  4. @haworker25 : improve spring-eg-coursemanmsa to use event streaming (Spring cloud stream)
    • [ ] checkin into examples folder
    • [ ] write ReadMe.md to explain how to setup and use the example
  5. @jdomainapp/candidates:
    • focus on studying the example: jda-eg-coursemanrestful
    • [ ] learn other frontend techs: React native for mobile (Linh), Angular (Hong), Vue.js (Hai)
    • [ ] port CourseMan's frontend to these frameworks so that it works with the existing SpringBoot backend.
      • [ ] Linh: v1.0 of ReactNative frontend of Courseman
      • [x] Hong: v1.0 CourseMan-Angular: support Address module
      • [x] Hai: v1.0 Courseman-Vuejs: support Address module
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 27/11/2021 9h-11h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Project update: continue to research MDA + DDD for the project
  2. @ducmle
  3. @levanvinhskv : complete spring-eg-coursemanmsa
    • [ ] rename artifact, checkin into examples folder
    • [ ] update ReadMe.md to explain how to setup and use the example
    • [ ] present the detailed research plan
  4. @haworker25 : improve spring-eg-coursemanmsa to use event streaming (Spring cloud stream)
    • [ ] checkin into examples folder
    • [ ] write ReadMe.md to explain how to setup and use the example
  5. @jdomainapp/candidates:
    • focus on studying the example: jda-eg-coursemanrestful
    • [ ] Linh: v1.0 CourseMan-ReactNative frontend of Courseman; with local data caching
    • [ ] Hong: v1.0.1-CourseManAngular: complete all the modules; modularise the code for reuse; type hierarchy (e.g. CourseModule)
    • [ ] Hai: v1.0.1- Courseman-Vuejs: complete all the modules; modularise the code for reuse; type hierarchy (e.g. CourseModule)
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 11/12/2021 9h-11h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates @tranminhhaifet Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda: Tech Talk: "Software development on the cloud"

ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 18/12/2021 9h-11h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. @ducmle Project update: continue to research MDA + DDD for the project
  2. @levanvinhskv : spring-eg-coursemanmsa v1.0
    • [x] complete basic MSA app with Eurika, ConfigServer and some services
    • [ ] checkin into examples folder
    • [ ] write ReadMe.md to explain how to setup and use the example
  3. @jdomainapp/candidates:
    • focus on studying the example: jda-eg-coursemanrestful
    • [ ] Linh: v1.0 CourseMan-ReactNative frontend of Courseman; with local data caching
    • [x] Hong: v1.0.1-CourseManAngular: complete all the modules; modularise the code for reuse; type hierarchy (e.g. CourseModule)
    • [ ] Hai: v1.0.1- Courseman-Vuejs: complete all the modules; modularise the code for reuse; type hierarchy (e.g. CourseModule)
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 25/12/2021 9h-11h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. @ducmle Project update: continue to research MDA + DDD for the project
  2. @levanvinhskv : spring-eg-coursemanmsa v1.0.1
    • [ ] checkin v1.0 into examples folder, write ReadMe.md to explain how to setup and use the example
    • [ ] move all service configs to configserver
    • [ ] use event streaming (Spring cloud stream, Kafka) for services to work with each other
  3. @jdomainapp/candidates:
    • focus on studying the example: jda-eg-coursemanrestful
    • [ ] Linh: v1.0 CourseMan-ReactNative: replace all unsupported React components by ReactNative & can run the basic app
    • [ ] Hong: v1.0.2-CourseManAngular: add base components (for controller) & view reuse
    • [ ] Hai: v1.0.1- Courseman-Vuejs: complete all the modules; modularise the code for reuse; type hierarchy (e.g. CourseModule)
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 1/1/2022 9h-11h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda: This seminar is off due to the New Year's holiday. Members submitted progress report & code demo screencast via email.

  1. Vinh: spring-eg-coursemanmsa v1.0.1: as per last week
    • focus: Apache Kafka
  2. Hong: v1.0.2-CourseManAngular:
    • [x] added some base components (for controller) & view reuse
    • apply to other modules to identify more reusable parts
    • apply to CourseModule type hierarchy
  3. Hai: v1.0.1- Courseman-Vuejs: as per last week
  4. Linh: v1.0 CourseMan-ReactNative: as per last week
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 8/1/2022 9h-11h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Duc:
    • added access to jda repository for Linh, Hai, Hong and added examples/jda-eg-coursemanrestful to the repository
    • added courseman-restful-be.zip: generated back-end version of CourseManResful. Use this for testing front-end.
    • todo: issue #55
  2. Vinh: spring-eg-coursemanmsa v1.0.1: as per last week
    • to add Apache Kafka
  3. Hong: v1.0.2-CourseManAngular:
    • to complete for Module and its subtypes
    • to complete the subview implementation
  4. Hai: v1.0.1- Courseman-Vuejs: as per last week
  5. Linh: v1.0.2 CourseMan-ReactNative:
    • use functional design with HOC technique
    • to complete for Module and its subtypes
    • to complete the subview implementation
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 15/1/2022 14h-17h

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Duc, Ha, Vinh:
    • resolving issue #55 : test updated version to make sure that it runs
    • demo jda-eg-coursemankafka v1.0
    • to complete jda-eg-coursemankafka v1.1: use the new programming API
  2. Vinh: spring-eg-coursemanmsa v1.0.1: as per last week
    • to study the demo and apply to CourseMan
  3. Hong: v1.0.2-CourseManAngular:
    • to fix bugs in subview
    • to fix bugs in the Module and its subtypes
    • support generic design for supertype-subtypes
  4. Hai: v1.0.1- Courseman-Vuejs: as per last week
    • to complete for all modules
    • to use index.vue that includes list.vue and add.vue
    • to use single page components (vue)
    • to use TypeScript?
  5. Linh: v1.0.2 CourseMan-ReactNative:
    • use functional design with HOC technique
    • to complete for Module and its subtypes
    • to complete the subview implementation
  6. Backend: to add further functions:
    • pageView
    • search by keywords
    • filter by fields
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 12/2/2022 9:00-11:00

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Duc:
    • jda-eg-coursemankafka v1.1: completed, to demo
    • review project progress so far
    • discuss plan with team
  2. Hanh:
    • review project progresss & work plan for team
  3. Ha: have you started working yet?
  4. Vinh:
    • decide on and plan for the thesis component to be carried out as part of the project
    • [spring-eg-coursemanmsa v1.0.1: as per last week
      • to study the demo and apply to CourseMan ]
  5. Hong: v1.0.2-CourseManAngular: as per last meeting
    • to fix bugs in subview
    • to fix bugs in the Module and its subtypes
    • support generic design for supertype-subtypes
  6. Hai: v1.0.1- Courseman-Vuejs: as per last meeting
    • to complete for all modules
    • to use index.vue that includes list.vue and add.vue
    • to use single page components (vue)
    • to use TypeScript?
  7. Linh: v1.0.2 CourseMan-ReactNative: as per last meeting
    • to complete for Module and its subtypes
    • to complete the subview implementation

Work plan



Hong, Hai, Linh

ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 27/2/2022 9:00-11:00

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Ha: jda-eg-coursemanmsa v1.0
    • to complete first prototype (see requirements in ReadMe.md)
  2. Vinh:
    • report progress on paper 1 with Dr. Hanh
  3. Hong: jda-eg-coursemanangular v1.0
    • completed for all modules
    • to start work on AngularViewGen
    • feedbacks:
      • to add search & filter function (requires backend improvement)
      • to support view field type customisation (e.g. list field -> combo field; see CourseManBasics)
      • to check in project into jda-training
  4. Hai: jda-eg-coursemanvuejs v1.0
    • complete the prototype for all modules
    • issues:
      • subview (e.g. Student) of a parent view (e.g. StudentClass) needs to retrieve only objects specific to the parent object
      • Student's view cannot include Address subview if Address already includes a Student subview
      • submodule: not needed
  5. Linh: jda-eg-coursemanreactnative v1.0
    • to complete the prototype for all modules
    • feedbacks:
      • to allow designer add list item actions (see CourseManBasics)
  6. ViewGenerator: v1.0
    • study FESoftware.generate & ViewBootstrapper to understand how the existing view generator works
    • are the existing React templates enough for your platform?
    • how do you make ViewBootstrapper a generic view generator for all platforms?
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 06/3/2022 9:00-11:00

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Ha: jda-eg-coursemanmsa v1.0
    • to complete prototype for Use Case 1 (see requirements in ReadMe.md)
  2. Vinh: Q & A
  3. Hong: jda-eg-coursemanangular v1.0
    • to start work on ViewGenerator
    • to check in project into jda-training
  4. Hai: jda-eg-coursemanvuejs v1.0
    • to check in project into jda-training
    • fix issues:
      • subview (e.g. Student) of a parent view (e.g. StudentClass) needs to retrieve only objects specific to the parent object
      • Student's view cannot include Address subview if Address already includes a Student subview
      • submodule: not needed
  5. Linh: jda-eg-coursemanreactnative v1.0
    • to complete the prototype for all modules
    • to check in project into jda-training
  6. ViewGenerator: v1.0
    • study FESoftware.generate & ViewBootstrapper to understand how the existing view generator works
    • are the existing React templates enough for your platform?
    • how do you make ViewBootstrapper a generic view generator for all platforms?
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 13/3/2022 9:00-11:00

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Ha: issue #73
  2. Vinh: Q & A
  3. Hong: issue #52
  4. Hai: issue #54
  5. Linh: issue #76
  6. Backend:
    • support additional essential features suggested in previous seminar (e.g. filter, search, etc.)
    • @ducmle module-mosar refactoring: separate FE and BE into separate projects
ducmle commented 2 years ago

Seminar: 13/3/2022 9:00-11:00

@jdomainapp/all @jdomainapp/candidates Gmeet: https://meet.google.com/grd-rndn-vqq Agenda:

  1. Ha: issue #73
  2. Hong, Hai, Linh:
    • work together on the design for issue #17