jdonnert / WVTICs

SPH initial conditions using Weighted Voronoi Tesselations
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Implement and Test standard MHD tests #3

Open YominCarr opened 7 years ago

YominCarr commented 7 years ago

Standard tests as in Beck et al. 2016. Test means: Confirm that they are working, send a quick Plot around and only THEN remove the comment in the ics.par

Ulli1991 commented 6 years ago

Fast-Rotor: Implemented and tested

Strong-Blast: Missing (But should be easy if Sedov is working)

Orszang-Tang-Vortex: Implemented and tested

Linear Alfven Wave: Missing

Rayleigh-Taylor-Instability: Missing

Shocktubes: @tlrh314 can you please comment a few lines on these?

tlrh314 commented 6 years ago

The Strong-Blast, Linear Alfven Wave, and Rayleigh-Taylor-Instability are now added but still untested at this stage.

@Ulli1991, I did commit code for all RJ95 shocktubes a while ago but all of the tests are not yet verified. Earlier I was not quite able to get nicely converged ICs out so I still have to actually run the shocktubes and check that the parameters are correct.

tlrh314 commented 6 years ago

ic_rayleightaylor_diagnostics ic_rayleightaylor

Ulli1991 commented 6 years ago

@tlrh314 , nice job, this looks very good. I would have done the calculation for the internal energy the exact same way. Maybe we can reduce the density error at the edge of the Box by swichting off periodic? But I am not sure... I will put a gadget configfile and parameterfile in my ptmp folder on Odin, then you can run it with gadget.