jdoss / ppngx

Podman + Paperless NGX
MIT License
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login uname & pword? #10

Closed xpseudonym closed 1 year ago

xpseudonym commented 1 year ago

First thing first - thank you for this little script which has made my life much more straight forward than it might have been!

But, I realise this is not a complicated question and I'm sure I should be able to answer it:- What is the default username and password for Paperless? image I'm having no difficulty with the interface for SFTPGo and the credentials I entered in start.sh - on both ports 2022 and 8022 or accessing the Paperless server, but what's the login? Should I have added the PAPERLESS_ADMIN_USER and PAPERLESS_ADMIN_PASSWORD to start.sh?

jdoss commented 1 year ago

You are welcome! I am glad it was helpful. :)

See step 6 in the README.md


xpseudonym commented 1 year ago

Hmm, uh, bother... Missed that. I figured it had to be straight forward. Actually, I think I got to 5, found it worked and went off and partied! Oops. Thanks! That podman exec command looks like it can be run before or after setting up the systemd units - would that be correct?

xpseudonym commented 1 year ago

Yes ;-)