Great plugin but I had a pretty hard time getting this to work because I didn't feel that the following was very obvious in the docs
Note: you'll need to make sure you have ids on heading elements before this plugin will create a TOC. If there aren't ids, there will be nothing for links in this TOC to link to. (I recommend using markdown-it-anchor to add those ids to the headings: Eleventy config example)
I think that this needs highlighting stronger in the installation steps and it would be nice if you could provide some example code to render suitable ids to work well with the plugin.
Great plugin but I had a pretty hard time getting this to work because I didn't feel that the following was very obvious in the docs
I think that this needs highlighting stronger in the installation steps and it would be nice if you could provide some example code to render suitable ids to work well with the plugin.
I ended up pulling the markdown-it config code from the eleventy.js file in your blog repo here on Github after some digging