jdtcn / BlazorDateRangePicker

A Blazor component for choosing date ranges and dates
MIT License
186 stars 34 forks source link

Not really an issue but a request #6

Closed Redeye51 closed 5 years ago

Redeye51 commented 5 years ago

I love your date picker for selecting date ranges but is there a way to use this as a single calendar/date selector? I see you can set SingleDatePicker to true but it still tracks both dates.

Thanks, Bryan

jdtcn commented 5 years ago

Hi, <DateRangePicker SingleDatePicker="true"></DateRangePicker> should work (and it's working in demo). If there is an issue, show your code, please.

mkopara commented 4 years ago

But is there a way to select multiple single dates (while displaying more then one calendar)?