jdtsmith / eglot-booster

Boost eglot using lsp-booster
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Doesn't work with custom `eglot-lsp-server` classes #5

Closed Stebalien closed 7 months ago

Stebalien commented 7 months ago

When an eglot server is defined with a custom class (custom-class . init-args), eglot-booster blindly prepends the "emacs-lsp-booster" command to the entry in eglot-server-programs. Have you considered advising eglot--cmd instead of modifying this list? That should "just work" for just about everything.

jdtsmith commented 7 months ago

See also #2. I'd certainly consider a PR (ideally using cl-defmethod).

jdtsmith commented 7 months ago

How is this custom class being used? Can you show some of the details? I actually think a custom class might be the solution, but obviously if you have one already...

Stebalien commented 7 months ago

I don't think there's any way to do this with custom classes.

I've defined the following methods:

;; Define a macro expansion method for servers.
(cl-defmethod eglot-macro-expansion (_server &key &allow-other-keys)
  (eglot--message "Server does not support macro expansion"))

(defun eglot-expand-macro ()
  "Expands the macro call at point recursively."
  (eglot-macro-expansion (eglot--current-server-or-lose)))

Then, I define a custom class for rust-analyzer:

(defclass eglot-rust-analyzer (eglot-lsp-server) () :documentation "Rust Analyzer.")

Replace the existing rust-analyzer with my class:

(let* ((key '(rust-mode rust-ts-mode)))
  (setq eglot-server-programs
        (--remove (-intersection (ensure-list (car it)) key) eglot-server-programs))
  (push (cons key '(eglot-rust-analyzer "rust-analyzer"))

And define the generic eglot-macro-expansion function for the class in question:

(cl-defmethod eglot-macro-expansion ((server eglot-rust-analyzer))

That way, I can call eglot-expand-macro macro in any eglot-enabled buffer to expand the macro at point, if supported by the current server. The idea is that, if some other server adds support for macro expansion, I could just define the method for that new server.

Stebalien commented 7 months ago

I don't think there's any way to do this with custom classes.

Unless there's a way to override/wrap the "contact" with the class. But the method I'm currently using is:

(defconst eglot-booster--boost-prefix
  '("emacs-lsp-booster" "--json-false-value" ":json-false" "--"))
(defun eglot-booster--boost (cmd)
  (if (file-remote-p default-directory)
    (cons (append eglot-booster--boost-prefix (car cmd)) (cdr cmd))))
(define-advice eglot-booster--wrap (:override (&optional unwrap) advise-cmd)
  (if unwrap
      (advice-remove 'eglot--cmd #'eglot-booster--boost)
    (advice-add 'eglot--cmd :filter-args #'eglot-booster--boost '((depth . 50)))))

(i.e., advising eglot--cmd).

jdtsmith commented 7 months ago

Yeah, that looks possible, but it i) does not handle remote or network servers (which should be ignored as lap-booster cannot talk to them) and ii) may be brittle in future changes to eglot (as patching eglot-server-programs directly has proven to be; see #4).

It seems you are pretty familiar with the class based design here; do you think there's a way to hook into the jsonrpc class heirarchy, i.e. at a level higher than eglot-lsp-server?

Stebalien commented 7 months ago

Unfortunately that doesn't let you override the server program. Technically the class stores the process-initialization function, but you'd have to re-implement most of eglot--connect if you wanted to mess with that.

does not handle remote or network servers (which should be ignored as lap-booster cannot talk to them

It should. That's why eglot-booster--boost checks to see if default-directory is remote and avoids prepending the booster command to it in that case.

jdtsmith commented 7 months ago

That's why eglot-booster--boost checks to see if default-directory is remote and avoids prepending the booster command to it in that case.

That's not the relevant check, since you can in principle run lsp servers which communicate over network ports locally. Here's the relevant doc:

* A list (HOST PORT [TCP-ARGS...]) where HOST is a string and
  PORT is a positive integer for connecting to a server via TCP.
  Remaining ARGS are passed to `open-network-stream' for
  upgrading the connection with encryption or other capabilities.

* A list (PROGRAM [ARGS...] :autoport [MOREARGS...]), whereupon a
  combination of previous options is used.  First, an attempt is
  made to find an available server port, then PROGRAM is launched
  with ARGS; the `:autoport' keyword substituted for that number;
  and MOREARGS.  Eglot then attempts to establish a TCP
  connection to that port number on the localhost.
Stebalien commented 7 months ago

Ah, well, that's less "remote" and more "connect to an existing language server". The above advice will work (i.e., it the booster will be disabled) in that case as well as it will only affect language servers started by eglot.

If you wanted to support that case (not just disable the booster), you'd need to:

  1. Add support to the booster for connecting to existing processes. Moving all the logic in eglot--connect to the booster.
  2. Advise eglot--connect itself to replace contact with a command that always starts the booster.
jdtsmith commented 7 months ago

In my understanding, this will not work, because lsp-booster only knows how to read from stdin and write to stdout, but not how to read/write from TCP network sockets. I.e. eglot can start servers which only communicate via network ports, and then proceed to communicate with them via those ports. This functionality could be added to lsp-booster of course (read from server on one port, write to emacs on another), but at present it's not there, so there's no way to add it here. Rather, you just need to identify such cases, and avoid boosting them.

In any case, I've switched to advising eglot-connect. Can you please give that a test with your custom class config?

Stebalien commented 7 months ago

because lsp-booster only knows how to read from stdin and write to stdout, but not how to read/write from TCP network sockets

Yes, it would require changes to the booster. But so would any other solution.

In any case, I've switched to advising eglot-connect. Can you please give that a test with your custom class config?

That works locally, but it's broken with TRAMP (remote connections):

  1. It wraps the contact before eglot--cmd gets a crack at it.
  2. It wraps the contact regardless of whether or not the current directory is remote.

I really recommend that you advise eglot--cmd as described above. eglot--cmd exists for wrapping/modifying the command.

jdtsmith commented 7 months ago

You seem to be focused on a particular solution instead of clearly describing the problem. Starting a remote process across TRAMP does not differ from starting it locally, so I don't understand why this is relevant. I don't want to advise eglot--cmd because it is a small internal helper function which could easily disappear going forward, for example if the bug it references is fixed upstream. That risk also exists for eglot--connect, but it is much smaller IMO.

Please show explicitly how this breaks tramp with an example of what the contact args would be in the situation you are describing.

Stebalien commented 7 months ago

Please show explicitly how this breaks tramp with an example of what the contact args would be in the situation you are describing.

It prepends the eglot-booster command to the contact even when the default-directory is remote (i.e., using TRAMP). Which means it's going to try to run eglot-booster on the remote machine.

If one were to install eglot-booster on the remote machine, it still wouldn't work because eglot--cmd wraps the contact in in a shell command when the default-directory is remote (which will break the booster detection in eglot-booster--init).

Additionally, by advising eglot--connect instead of eglot--cmd:

  1. You need to re-implement parts of eglot--connect to determine if the "contact" is actually a command, or if it's something else (brittle to changes in eglot).
  2. You're not really gaining anything by not using an "internal" function because eglot--connect is just as internal as eglot--cmd.

I'm focusing on my proposed solution because it works and we're going back and forth on a lot of solutions either won't work or won't work as well.

jdtsmith commented 7 months ago

Please show explicitly how this breaks tramp with an example of what the contact args would be in the situation you are describing.

It prepends the eglot-booster command to the contact even when the default-directory is remote (i.e., using TRAMP). Which means it's going to try to run eglot-booster on the remote machine.

Yes, and this is exactly what most users would expect I think. I now understand that you're trying to run emacs-lsp-booster locally, but the LSP server it communicates with remotely? That's indeed an unusual setup, and I'm not sure how it would work, since the local emacs-lsp-booster program would need to read from TRAMP, then write back to emacs.

I'd personally recommend installing emacs-lsp-booster remotely, since TRAMP will benefit from the reduced traffic volume too, a double-win.

If one were to install eglot-booster on the remote machine, it still wouldn't work because eglot--cmd wraps the contact in in a shell command when the default-directory is remote (which will break the booster detection in eglot-booster--init).

It does? How? That just checks if "emacs-lsp-booster" is anywhere in the command. Have you tried this? If you try this and it doesn't work, please open another issue.

Additionally, by advising eglot--connect instead of eglot--cmd:

  1. You need to re-implement parts of eglot--connect to determine if the "contact" is actually a command, or if it's something else (brittle to changes in eglot).

I already had to do this when updating server-programs, so it's nothing new.

  1. You're not really gaining anything by not using an "internal" function because eglot--connect is just as internal as eglot--cmd.

I disagree. eglot--cmd says:

      ;; TODO: this seems like a bug, although it’s everywhere. For
      ;; some reason, for remote connections only, over a pipe, we
      ;; need to turn off line buffering on the tty.

which is a strong indication that this is an unwanted workaround function, not a point for hanging additional customization. If this is fixed in emacs, this function would disappear. For your situation, it sounds like eglot--cmd may be a better target.

I'm focusing on my proposed solution because it works and we're going back and forth on a lot of solutions either won't work or won't work as well.

For your case, that may indeed be the case. If you get this alternative style working well (local booster, remote server via TRAMP), would you please document it in the Wiki for others? I'd suggest including an example of the "effective command" that enables this.

Stebalien commented 7 months ago

That's indeed an unusual setup, and I'm not sure how it would work, since the local emacs-lsp-booster program would need to read from TRAMP, then write back to emacs.

In my setup, I don't use lsp-booster when I use TRAMP because, while I can easily install language servers on remote machines, installing lsp-booster on remote machines is not always easy and rarely worth it (I'm already willing to put up with a loss of performance at that point).

That and directly executing bytecode sent from a remote machine is... not something I want to do.

It does? How? That just checks if "emacs-lsp-booster" is anywhere in the command. Have you tried this? If you try this and it doesn't work, please open another issue.

It checks if it's contained within the car of the command:

(string-search "emacs-lsp-booster" (car-safe com))

In this case, the car of the command will be the user's shell-file-name.

I disagree. eglot--cmd says:

Any of these functions can change at a moments notice. In the case of eglot--connect. The right way to do this is to ask upstream for a stable point to wrap.

But really, it doesn't matter. If you want to advise eglot--connect, that's up to you.

Stebalien commented 7 months ago

In this case, the car of the command will be the user's shell-file-name.


(defun eglot--cmd (contact)
  "Helper for `eglot--connect'."
  (if (file-remote-p default-directory)
      ;; TODO: this seems like a bug, although it’s everywhere. For
      ;; some reason, for remote connections only, over a pipe, we
      ;; need to turn off line buffering on the tty.
      ;; Not only does this seem like there should be a better way,
      ;; but it almost certainly doesn’t work on non-unix systems.
      (list shell-file-name "-c" ;; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< HERE
            (string-join (cons "stty raw > /dev/null;"
                               (mapcar #'shell-quote-argument contact))
                         " "))
jdtsmith commented 7 months ago

In this case, the car of the command will be the user's shell-file-name.

Good point, I added a fix to search all elements of the command list.

I still don't understand how you can have a remote LSP server -> TRAMP -> emacs-lsp-booster -> eglot setup. If you get this working, please add information to the Wiki for others who may want that setup.

In terms of a stable upstream connection, I agree; please see #2 and make any suggestions you have there.

Stebalien commented 7 months ago

I still don't understand how you can have a remote LSP server -> TRAMP -> emacs-lsp-booster -> eglot setup. If you get this working, please add information to the Wiki for others who may want that setup.

I don't. I just disable emacs-lsp-booster over TRAMP.

My issue with the your previous approach is that it tried to run emacs-lsp-booster over TRAMP, but then failed to detect it.

In terms of a stable upstream connection, I agree; please see https://github.com/jdtsmith/eglot-booster/issues/2 and make any suggestions you have there.

I don't really have anything to add that joaotavora hasn't already said. The only thing left is to upstream some patches to both eglot and jsonrpc.

For now, given the brittle nature of this integration, I've decided that it's just easier to maintain a slimmed-down version in my own config (so I can, e.g., fix it when it breaks). IMO, fixing #2 is really the highest priority. After that, everything should get simpler.

(defconst eglot-booster--boost-prefix
  '("emacs-lsp-booster" "--json-false-value" ":json-false" "--"))

(defvar-local eglot-booster-boosted nil)

(define-advice jsonrpc--json-read (:around (orig-func) boost)
  "Read JSON or bytecode, wrapping the ORIG-FUNC JSON reader."
  (if eglot-booster-boosted ; local to process-buffer
      (or (and (= (following-char) ?#)
           (let ((bytecode (read (current-buffer))))
         (when (byte-code-function-p bytecode)
           (funcall bytecode))))
      (funcall orig-func))
    ;; Not in a boosted process, fallback
    (funcall orig-func)))

(define-advice eglot--cmd (:filter-args (cmd) boost 50)
  (if (file-remote-p default-directory)
    (cons (append eglot-booster--boost-prefix (car cmd)) (cdr cmd))))

(defun eglot-booster--init (server)
  "Register eglot SERVER as boosted if it is."
  (when-let* ((proc (-some-> server jsonrpc--process))
              (cmd (-some-> proc process-command car-safe))
              (buf (process-buffer proc))
              ((string-equal "emacs-lsp-booster" cmd)))
    (setf (buffer-local-value 'eglot-booster-boosted buf) t)))

(add-hook 'eglot-server-initialized-hook #'eglot-booster--init)
jdtsmith commented 7 months ago

I just disable emacs-lsp-booster over TRAMP. My issue with the your previous approach is that it tried to run emacs-lsp-booster over TRAMP, but then failed to detect it.

I see. I've added a custom var eglot-booster-no-remote-boost which you can try if you like (it's nil by default).

The only thing left is to upstream some patches to both eglot and jsonrpc.

I agree. Would you like to contribute to that effort?

Stebalien commented 7 months ago

I agree. Would you like to contribute to that effort?

I uh... have a few too many projects going on right now so I probably shouldn't volunteer for it. I will if I get a free weekend, but don't hold your breath.