jdtuck / fdasrvf_R

Functional Data Analysis using Square-Root Slope Framework
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elastic.regression function #48

Closed ajw11 closed 2 months ago

ajw11 commented 2 months ago

Good morning,

I have loaded the package 'fdasrvf' and would like to use elastic.regression. However, it does not appear that this function is exported when I load 'fdasrvf'. I looked in the source code here https://rdrr.io/cran/fdasrvf/src/R/elastic_regression.R and tried to piece the function together. However, there are some issues. For example, in the function regression_warp, there is this:

if (y > alpha + y_M){ gamma_new = gam_M }else if (y < alpha + y_m){ gamma_new - gam_m }else{ gamma_new = zero_crossing(y-alpha, q, beta, time, y_M, y_m, gam_M, gam_m) }

Shouldn't "gamma_new - gam_m" be "gamma_new =gam_m"?

Also, I was wondering if the elastic.regression source code is the same that was used to produce experimental results 5.1.3 (pg. 79) in https://diginole.lib.fsu.edu/islandora/object/fsu:254513/datastream/PDF/view?

jdtuck commented 2 months ago

its not exported as there is theoretical problems with that method, additionally it is in a broken state. If you are needing a regression method, please use the pcr version.