jducoeur / jsext

Commonly-useful extensions for Scala.js, particularly for facade development
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Problems with IntelliJ #12

Closed bwbecker closed 7 years ago

bwbecker commented 7 years ago

I've been having trouble with JSOptionsBuilder when using IntelliJ. The issues are that when using a library that uses JSOptionsBuilder (eg jstree-facade at https://github.com/jducoeur/jstree-facade) IntelliJ does not autocomplete and seems (ie I haven't instrumented it) to use substantially more CPU cycles.

I believe the culprit is the copy parameter in abstract class JSOptionBuilder[T <: js.Object, B <: JSOptionBuilder[T, _]](copy:OptMap => B)... that somehow messes up IntelliJ.

I have a fork at https://github.com/bwbecker/jsFacadeOptionBuilder that fixes this problem. It's a breaking change, however, and so I assumed you would not be interested in a pull request. If you ARE, then please let me know. I'd re-do it to make fewer changes to your library.

jducoeur commented 7 years ago

Huh. First I've heard of it, and I confess I'm surprised: we're not doing anything terribly complicated. Not sure why IntelliJ is getting confused. (But I use Scala-IDE, so I don't have the firsthand experience there.)

At this late date, you're right that I'm going to avoid accepting breaking changes; frankly, I suspect the world is moving towards ScalaJSDefined, now that that's working better. But I'm glad you were able to come up with a solution that works for you...