jdx / mean-sample

Sample project for Write Modern Web Apps with the MEAN Stack by Jeff Dickey
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gulp-nodemon 's ignore property question #35

Open fkkcloud opened 9 years ago

fkkcloud commented 9 years ago

Hi there,

gulp.task('dev:server', function(){ nodemon({ script: 'server.js', ext: 'js css', ignore: ['ng', 'gulp', 'assets*'] }) })

I have gulp-nodemon as above.

in the line "ignore: ['ng', 'gulp', 'assets*']", if I understand it correctly, nodemon will re-start server only when files in ng, gulp, and assets are modified (which are .js ext), and not with everything else, correct? --> I don't see the server restarted notify in my command line but in browser it seems to have the change which is good.

Please let me know if I am missing anything.

Thanks, Jae