Closed cysabi closed 5 months ago
Describe the bug using npm link to test local bin scripts does work, but does not for bunjs
npm link
To Reproduce
Expected behavior I expect the behavior of bun to match the behavior of npm
mise doctor output
mise doctor
version: 2024.6.6 linux-x64 (409d6e4 2024-06-20) activated: yes shims_on_path: no build_info: Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Features: DEFAULT, NATIVE_TLS, OPENSSL Built: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 16:13:11 +0000 Rust Version: rustc 1.79.0 (129f3b996 2024-06-10) Profile: release shell: fish fish, version 3.7.1 dirs: data: ~/.local/share/mise config: ~/.config/mise cache: ~/.cache/mise state: ~/.local/state/mise shims: ~/.local/share/mise/shims config_files: ~/.config/mise/config.toml backends: cargo core go npm pipx spm ubi plugins: bat bottom bun (core) deno (core) erlang (core) fd github-cli gleam go (core) helix java (core) node (core) python (core) ripgrep ruby (core) rust yt-dlp zig (core) toolset: bun@1.1.15 node@22.3.0 rust@1.79.0 gleam@1.2.1 python@3.11.9 github-cli@2.51.0 yt-dlp@2024.05.27 cargo:cargo-binstall@1.7.2 cargo:eza@0.18.19 cargo:fd-find@10.1.0 cargo:ripgrep@14.1.0 cargo:du-dust@1.0.0 cargo:bottom@0.9.6 cargo:procs@0.14.5 cargo:bat@0.24.0 helix@24.03 env_vars: MISE_SHELL=fish settings: activate_aggressive = false all_compile = false always_keep_download = false always_keep_install = false asdf_compat = false cargo_binstall = true color = true disable_default_shorthands = false disable_tools = [] experimental = true go_default_packages_file = "~/.default-go-packages" go_download_mirror = "" go_repo = "" go_set_gopath = false go_set_goroot = true go_skip_checksum = false http_timeout = 30 jobs = 4 legacy_version_file = true legacy_version_file_disable_tools = [] node_compile = false not_found_auto_install = true paranoid = false plugin_autoupdate_last_check_duration = "7d" python_default_packages_file = "/root/.default-python-packages" python_pyenv_repo = "" raw = false trusted_config_paths = [] quiet = false verbose = false yes = false ci = false debug = false trace = false log_level = "info" python_venv_auto_create = false [status] missing_tools = "if_other_versions_installed" show_env = false show_tools = false No warnings found No problems found
Additional context in the screenshot there's a particular line where it says Reshimming mise latest..., im assuming that's what's missing. i also assume there's a workaround that i havent figured out yet
Reshimming mise latest...
uninstalling bun from mise and installing directly did not solve the problem--
Describe the bug using
npm link
to test local bin scripts does work, but does not for bunjsTo Reproduce
Expected behavior I expect the behavior of bun to match the behavior of npm
mise doctor
outputAdditional context in the screenshot there's a particular line where it says
Reshimming mise latest...
, im assuming that's what's missing. i also assume there's a workaround that i havent figured out yet