Describe the bug
Unclear "found entry" / "could not find any entries" sequence for the same entry:
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/bin/nvim
DEBUG could not find any entries named nvim-linux64/bin/nvim
DEBUG Failed to install with ubi version 'v0.10.2': could not find any files named nvim-linux64/bin/nvim in the downloaded tarball, trying with 'ubi:neovim/neovim@0.10.2'
To Reproduce
Add to config: "ubi:neovim/neovim" = { version = "0.10.2", exe = "nvim-linux64/bin/nvim" }
mise i
Expected behavior
It should install at least Neovim binary. (Not sure is it will work and able to find it resource files.)
$ mise i -v
DEBUG ARGS: mise i -v
DEBUG vfox_plugin: "/home/powerman/.local/share/mise/plugins/yamlfmt"
DEBUG vfox_plugin: "/home/powerman/.local/share/mise/plugins/jq"
DEBUG config: ~/.config/nvim/.mise.toml
DEBUG config: ~/.config/mise/config.toml
DEBUG install_versions: ubi:plandex-ai/plandex@cli/v1 ubi:neovim/neovim@0.10.2 ubi:JohnnyMorganz/stylua@latest ubi:ast-grep/ast-grep@latest shellcheck@latest
INFO ubi:neovim/neovim@0.10.2 installing
DEBUG starting new connection:
DEBUG GET 404 Not Found
DEBUG Failed to get release for ubi:neovim/neovim@0.10.2, trying with 'v' prefix: HTTP status client error (404 Not Found) for url (
DEBUG Parsed --project neovim/neovim = neovim / neovim
DEBUG exe name = nvim-linux64/bin/nvim
DEBUG install path = /home/powerman/.local/share/mise/installs/ubi-neovim-neovim/0.10.2/bin/nvim-linux64/bin/nvim
DEBUG adding GitHub token to GitHub requests
DEBUG starting new connection:
DEBUG filtering out assets that do not have a valid extension
DEBUG skipping asset with invalid extension: nvim-linux64.tar.gz.sha256sum
DEBUG skipping asset with invalid extension: nvim-macos-arm64.tar.gz.sha256sum
DEBUG skipping asset with invalid extension: nvim-macos-x86_64.tar.gz.sha256sum
DEBUG skipping asset with invalid extension: nvim-win64.msi
DEBUG skipping asset with invalid extension: nvim-win64.msi.sha256sum
DEBUG skipping asset with invalid extension:
DEBUG skipping asset with invalid extension: nvim.appimage
DEBUG skipping asset with invalid extension: nvim.appimage.sha256sum
DEBUG skipping asset with invalid extension: nvim.appimage.zsync
DEBUG skipping asset with invalid extension: nvim.appimage.zsync.sha256sum
DEBUG current OS = linux
DEBUG matching assets against OS using (?i:(?:\b|_)linux(?:\b|_|32|64))
DEBUG matching OS against asset name = nvim-linux64.tar.gz
DEBUG matches our OS
DEBUG matching OS against asset name = nvim-macos-arm64.tar.gz
DEBUG does not match our OS
DEBUG matching OS against asset name = nvim-macos-x86_64.tar.gz
DEBUG does not match our OS
DEBUG matching OS against asset name =
DEBUG does not match our OS
DEBUG current CPU architecture = x86_64
DEBUG matching assets against CPU architecture using (?ix)
386 | i586 | i686
# This is gross but the OS matcher will reject this on non-Windows
# platforms.
DEBUG there is only one asset that matches our OS
DEBUG matches our CPU architecture
DEBUG only found one candidate asset
DEBUG picked asset from matches named nvim-linux64.tar.gz
DEBUG picked asset named nvim-linux64.tar.gz
DEBUG downloading asset from
DEBUG starting new connection:
DEBUG redirecting '' to ''
DEBUG starting new connection:
DEBUG archive path is /tmp/.tmpnI0QdE/nvim-linux64.tar.gz
DEBUG extracting binary from tarball at /tmp/.tmpnI0QdE/nvim-linux64.tar.gz
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/lib/nvim/parser/
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/lib/nvim/parser/
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/lib/nvim/parser/
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/lib/nvim/parser/
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/lib/nvim/parser/
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/lib/nvim/parser/
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/lib/nvim/parser/
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/share/applications/nvim.desktop
...skip 1906 lines...
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/share/nvim/runtime/syntax/javascript.vim
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/nvim.png
DEBUG found tarball entry with path nvim-linux64/bin/nvim
DEBUG could not find any entries named nvim-linux64/bin/nvim
DEBUG Failed to install with ubi version 'v0.10.2': could not find any files named nvim-linux64/bin/nvim in the downloaded tarball, trying with 'ubi:neovim/neovim@0.10.2'
DEBUG Parsed --project neovim/neovim = neovim / neovim
DEBUG exe name = nvim-linux64/bin/nvim
DEBUG install path = /home/powerman/.local/share/mise/installs/ubi-neovim-neovim/0.10.2/bin/nvim-linux64/bin/nvim
DEBUG adding GitHub token to GitHub requests
DEBUG starting new connection:
0: [91mFailed to install ubi:neovim/neovim@0.10.2[0m
1: [91mFailed to install with ubi 'ubi:neovim/neovim@0.10.2': could not find any files named nvim-linux64/bin/nvim in the downloaded tarball[0m
2024.11.3 linux-x64 (19a6ed0 2024-11-06)
Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
Describe the bug Unclear "found entry" / "could not find any entries" sequence for the same entry:
To Reproduce
"ubi:neovim/neovim" = { version = "0.10.2", exe = "nvim-linux64/bin/nvim" }
mise i
Expected behavior It should install at least Neovim binary. (Not sure is it will work and able to find it resource files.)
mise doctor
outputAdditional context