jdx / mise

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Update has broken Zed's default executables #3276

Closed markbrown4 closed 1 day ago

markbrown4 commented 3 days ago

Describe the bug

Zed's default formatter Prettier no longer runs for me. I've tracked it down to Mise activation in ~/.zshrc.

When mise is activated and I open a .tsx file in Zed, it starts up multiple mise processes, the fans start spinning and the formatters time out.

To Reproduce

Activate Mise in ~/.zshrc

eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
eval "$(mise activate zsh --shims)"
  1. Download and install the Zed text editor: https://zed.dev/download
  2. Launch Zed and make a new text file test.tsx
  3. Enter function test() {alert("a")} and save file

Expected behavior

Zed's default settings for .tsx files are to format with Prettier.

function test() {

Prettier is installed to ~/Library/Application Support/Zed/prettier. It's not clear to me why these are triggering these mise processes or what is hanging.

Can you shed any light on this?

mise-en-dev commented 3 days ago

I'm not going to debug it for you but you can setup file logging as described here to see what mise is doing

markbrown4 commented 2 days ago

It's related to shims somehow. This works as expected.

- eval "$(mise activate zsh --shims)"
+ eval "$(mise activate zsh)"

I've had one issue after another with shims the last two weeks, will avoid it.

jdx commented 1 day ago

while I don't have logs to confirm I think https://github.com/jdx/mise/commit/35d31a1baf96fe6f0e764e26228c1b03ba24ddce may have fixed this